Thursday, March 13, 2025
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Study Shows Treatment Effective for Covid Long-Haul Sufferers with Lingering Effects

Covid Long-Haul treatmentThe number of people suffering from lingering, long-haul COVID symptoms is reaching startling proportions. According to a Government Accountability report released in March, at least 1 in 5 adults and as many as 23 million Americans, and millions more globally, are noticing persistent health complications four weeks or more after an initial infection. With COVID long-hauler patients relatively new to the medical profession, there has been no decisive protocol for treating them.

However, a collaboration between scientists at the Tel Aviv University, Norman B. Gaylis MD, MACR, FACP, and researchers at the Long-Haul Clinic at AARDS Research in Aventura, Florida, has revealed an exciting new nutraceutical formulation that offers relief for COVID long-hauler patients.

The groundbreaking study marks the first time a nutraceutical formulated for COVID patients has been published in a peer-reviewed journal. The first author of the study, Miami-based Norman B. Gaylis MD, said the work was recently published on October 25th in Frontiers in Nutrition, and the abstract can be found on the website.

“In my practice, I have treated many COVID long-hauler patients with a variety of persistent symptoms,” said Gaylis. “Upon discovering many symptoms were related to autonomic dysfunction, I became extremely interested in finding ways to reduce and alleviate symptoms. The data collected in this study proves there is a new weapon in the COVID arsenal to help patients who are still experiencing health complications long after contracting the virus.”

Dr. Gaylis was the only US-based physician collaborating with Tel Aviv researchers on the one-arm open labeled study at a single site. The study analyzed symptoms of 51 eligible patients in 18 states with histories of positive COVID tests who reported lingering effects from the virus three to 11 months after infection. Symptoms ranged from fatigue, weakness, cardiac and neurological symptoms, and shortness of breath to gastrointestinal disorders, anosmia, anxiety, joint pain, rash, cough, and insomnia. The results showed on average, all the symptoms were significantly milder after two weeks of adding nothing to their regimen other than the studied nutraceuticals. More dramatic improvements were observed after four weeks, and no adverse effects were reported. More importantly, each symptom reported was notably alleviated in 72-84% of all study participants.

Based on the ingredients and nutraceuticals in the study, Gaylis founded the supplements company NViroMune and collaborated with researchers on a proprietary, patented formula that specifically addresses COVID long-hauler symptoms.

For long-hauler patients, RESTORE is an innovative combination of GRAS-approved (Generally Regarded As Safe) nutrients and plant bio-extracts for critical immune restoration after surviving a viral infection. Ingredients include Zinc, Vitamin D, Quercetin, Bromelain, St. John’s Wort, Indian Frankincense, and Beta Caryophyllene, a Cannabinoid CB 2 Agonist.

“We are excited to finally have a treatment that has been statistically proven to help significantly reduce and alleviate symptoms of COVID long-hauler patients,” said Gaylis. “The treatment of long-haul patients is still evolving within the healthcare and medical communities, and we are all learning as we go. Our team is looking forward to researching more natural solutions based on science and announcing more developments in the future.”

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