Monday, March 10, 2025
71 F

Who Set Up Mildred Fernandez?

Orange County Commissioner Mildred Fernandez (District 3) was arrested on three felony charges late on Tuesday evening at her campaign headquarters in East Orlando.   Fernandez, who is also in the race for Orange County mayor, has been charged with bribery, grand theft and accepting unlawful campaign contributions.

Mildred Fernandez, arrested on three felony counts

She was released around 8:30 pm, on Tuesday evening, on $5,300 bond.

Immediately following Fernandez’ arrest, Governor Charlie Crist issued an Executive Order of Suspension that stated “it is in the best interest of the residents of Orange County, and the citizens of the State of Florida, that Mildred Fernandez be immediately suspended from the public office, which she now holds.”   The Order also stated that  “Mildred Fernandez is prohibited from performing any official act, duty, or function of public office, from receiving any pay or allowance, and from being entitled to any of the emoluments or privileges of public office during the period of this suspension.”

At the heart of the bribery charges is Fernandez’ acceptance of campaign contributions of $1,000 in exchange for her agreeing to fast track a building project proposed by Mr. Jose “Pepe” Vasquez.  Fernandez had also failed to report by the due date other campaign contributions received, thus committing an act of grand theft from her own campaign.

In an exclusive interview a few weeks ago with West Orlando News, in discussing her four point plan for Orange County, Fernandez said that besides stimulating Orange County economy through lower taxes and economic diversification, another important dimension would be to “ensure that the Orange County government is more efficient and transparent.”

Fernandez also discussed her desire to streamline the government budget much more than is is currently the case, saying, “one of the things that we need to do is make sure that we are using the taxpayers money appropriately.”

Fernandez is a former IBM executive who was first elected to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners in 2004 and re-elected in 2008.

It is not yet clear what will become of Fernandez’ bid for Orange County Mayor as candidates have until mid June to qualify.

Read the Whole Interview with Commissioner Mildred Fernandez Here.

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  1. Am I missing the part of the article that supposed to address the “setting-up” of MF? Is there anything besides innuendo? I mean, I have no problem imagining skullduggery in FL politics…so, what’s the what, here? Does it have to do with the sour carwash deal?

  2. Mildred Fernandez has ben set up. I would say Gov.
    Crist should know the law- innocent until proven guity. These are: reasons 1. discrimination towards Puertoricans, been a woman, and not having
    the money like Mr Segal. The state attorney’s office Mr. Lamar should take a look for starter: she dosen belong to the men’s club like Mr segal- taking about him they should investigate who contributed to his campaign and how much.
    Last but not lease remember the orlando area has a lot of hispanics and belive me don’t count on their vote!! Mr Crotty better put a Hispanic in the next commissioner chair.. They are the ones that help us not you white boys!!!!!!


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