Friday, May 3, 2024
74.5 F


a_patch_of_blueHate sanctimonious bigots!

So it stands to reason that I rarely exhibit negative behavior, conduct, action, words, attitudes, or even disparaging deeds and subjective comments about my daughter’s bi-racial ancestry. Fully aware that an impressionable child often spews and impersonates his or her parents’ narrow-mindedness, intolerances, manufactured fears, and contemptuous insults about other folks.

Endorsed Mantha’s appreciative pursuits of honoring people regardless of their racial background, ethnicity, or other characterizations and traits!

Taught Mantha to resist the temptation of arrogantly projecting supremacy and other indignities upon her fellow man!

Encouraged Mantha to explore and give equal status to her multicultural heritage by actively championing, commemorating, and celebrating each ethnic group’s rich and diverse customs, traditions, and uniqueness!

All in all, Mantha has avoided being predisposed to warped distortions, prejudicial stereotypes, and erroneous viewpoints. Additionally, as a “drum major” and advocate for justice, she has been instructed not to backpedal her values, principles, or beliefs. Finally, she has been given permission by her parents to ostracize and exclude from her personal space anyone who subscribes to racism, sexism, or any other “ism!”

So, you could have knocked me over with a feather when my culturally-exposed and diversified daughter announced this week that she was going to forego dating and marrying white and black men.

Is this a hormonal phase?

Seemingly, she had decided that her mate must hail from either the Puerto Rican or Samoan lineage!

Say what?

I would be the first to readily admit that since Mantha was knee high, coaxed her to broaden her friendships from a cross-section of nationalities. However, to my knowledge, can’t ever recall insinuating or subliminally implying that she should eschew white and black males.


Obviously, this grizzly needed to convene a powwow with her cub as this inexplicable orthodoxy had “shivered my timbers!”

“Cut to the chase” by reiterating to my daughter that I didn’t give a rat’s azz about the ethnicity of the man she planned on marrying someday. Mumsey’s only requirement was to ensure that she was deliriously in love with him and that he was truly her “soul mate.”

Pointedly requested that my “chip off the old block” render a plausible explanation as to why she suddenly favored Puerto Rican and Samoan males to the exclusion of black or white men. And, just as important, inquired as to whom had injected her with a hallucinogenic which made her espouse doctrines and thought processes incongruous to how she was raised?

As I said, personally despise sanctimonious bigots even within my own family!

Anyways, her frank reply and reasoning gave me pause…

Essentially, Mantha felt that majority of the “black boys/men often impregnated multiple girls and eventually left the mommies to take care of the abandoned kiddos. So, she felt by avoiding developing a relationship with black males she would also forego inheriting any baby mama drama and trauma.”

Conversely, she cited multiple historical references whereas “white boys/men also often abandoned and forsake their bi-racial kids primarily due to the non-acceptance of the offspring by his prejudice white family members who often felt that bi-racial kids tainted and diseased the family tree.”


Obviously, her passionate position was a raw reflection of her painful personal beginnings, unresolved hurts, and scarred emotions and not from the bile duct of racism!


Precariously proceeded by reminding my well-intentioned daughter of the following…

Cautioned Mantha that despite her personal sentimentality regarding her genesis, it was important to me that I corrected her “visually-impaired” judgment as it pertained to “all” white and black males as I could cite numerous examples of Puerto Rican and Samoan males who were just as neglectful as it pertained to their role and responsibilities towards their children, too.

Cautioned Mantha against penalizing, discounting, and indicting an entire class of people just because of the repulsiveness of some reprehensible few.

Cautioned Mantha to become astutely cognizant of being propagandized and conditioned via mass and social media outlets, technology, and from slanted books which perpetuated historical lies and untruths or oral history that stereotypically purported that “all” black males were despicable brutes and uncaring scoundrels.

Cautioned Mantha that each person should be independently judged upon his or her own merits and she should refrain from classifying and profiling anyone as a representative of the majority.

Apologizing for her crushed heart and sorrows, wished for a “Patch of Blue” existence!

This tender movie was about a budding friendship between a “visually-impaired” white girl named Selina and an educated black man named Gordon (aka Sidney Poitier). The audience is left spellbound as this riveting film “explores racism from the perspective that love is blind!”

The plot thickens as Gordon attempts to extract Selina from the clutches of her bigoted mother, an alcoholic grandfather, and from a sadistic home environment.

Shocked that Selina has never been formally educated or even heard of Braille, Gordon arranges for her to start anew at a school where she could learn how to become self-sufficient and independent.

As a by-product of Gordon’s efforts, Selina develops a healthy sense of self-worth. And, in spite of racial taboos, they eventually fall in love.

The final tribute to their relationship is when Selina asks Gordon to marry her to which he replies that there are “many types of love and that she will later realize that their relationship will not work. Selina tells him that she still deeply loves him and knows that he is black but that it does not matter to her.”

Right on, sister-girl!

So, since I am in the neighborhood, God, just wondering…

Why couldn’t You have created each of us “visually impaired” like Selina so that we could love each other and one another irrespective of society’s perceived taboos and “isms?”

With so many other issues on my plate, why didn’t You permanently “obstruct” our vision so I would not have to “run interference” with century-old questions regarding race and man’s inhumanity to man that are still unanswered in 2014?

Will our reality end with hope as it did in this1965 epic movie or will our sons and daughters continue to live in a racially “shock and awe” society?

And, God, would You oblige me with one more request?

During the next Creation, could You just give everybody a disability which requires us to become co-dependent with the opposite race?

Bet ‘cha that will repair “visual impairment!”



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