Sunday, April 18th is nationally recognized as National Lineman Appreciation Day in the United States. OUC is exceptionally proud of its line technicians who work tirelessly to keep the lights on and the air conditioning running. OUC shared some great photos below, showing OUC crews in action, as a small example of their appreciation of the hard work done each day.
“What being a lineman for me means is serving the community, as a team, not just as one member,” said OUC Line Technician I Greg Fountain. “Providing power, and keeping the lights on, helping the community. It may be more than just having the lights on, it might be cleaning up the yard afterwards. Just having pride for working for OUC.”
“As a lineman here in Orlando, we work hard to keep your power on, the lights on, with safety being our main goal in mind,” said OUC Line Technician II Austin Nettles.
While many people are able to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, these essential employees must continue to work in the field. This was especially important not just in Orlando, but throughout several Gulf states during a very busy 2020 hurricane season. OUC crews were deployed an unprecedented four times to assist other communities with mutual aid during hurricane relief efforts.