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Orlando Congressman Reacts to Election of New Speaker of the House

Orlando Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost released a statement following the election of Rep. Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Central Florida Democrat slammed the new Speaker as an “extremist conservative” who wants to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

“For the last 22 days, the American people have had a front row seat to the embarrassment that is the House Republican Conference as they’ve fought one another to select a new leader more extreme than the last,” Rep. Frost, a Democrat, said in a statement. “Well today they have succeeded in doing just that. Mike Johnson is an election denying, LGBTQ+ hating, extremist conservative who wants to slash your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and supports banning abortion so that women are forced to give birth to provide more ‘able-bodied workers’ for our workforce.”

Orlando Representative Maxwell Alejandro Frost recently discussed the dysfunction on the floor of the U.S. House and the chaos of the Speaker’s race in an .exclusive interview with West Orlando News, before the Republicans could get it together.

In his new statement about Rep. Johnson, Rep. Frost added:

“He was the chief architect to overturn the 2020 election, voting to appease a seditious movement that aimed to destroy our democracy for personal gain.

“Mike Johnson isn’t here to govern on behalf of the American people – he’s here to impose his ultra conservative will onto our nation, to drive our economy to the brink of a shutdown if we don’t agree to slash and burn critical federal programs, and to bow down to his self-proclaimed leader – the indicted former president.

“The clown show continues, and it’s working folks across Florida and our country who suffer.”

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