Sunday, March 16, 2025
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Chief Val Demings Wins 10th Congressional Democratic Primary

Val_prefChief Val Demings, candidate in Florida’s 10th Congressional District, has secured enough votes to win the Democratic primary. The former Orlando Police Chief won the four-way race in a landslide, 57% of the vote. Chief Demings accepted the nomination from a victory party with hundreds of supporters in downtown Orlando.

“I am so humbled and honored to stand on this stage tonight and be one step closer to serving Central Florida in Washington,” said Chief Demings. “The voters have decided, and I have faith they will decide again in November, that I am the leader that they want to represent them.”

The newly redrawn Congressional District 10 favors a Democrat by over 12-points in the November 8th election. In 2012, President Obama would have carried the new district 10 with 61% of the vote.

“I plan on continuing to work hard until November and finishing this campaign how I started it, by listening to the voters. Together, we are stronger and I am hoping the Democrats come together and work hard to turn the House blue and help Secretary Hillary Clinton win the White House.”

Chief Val Demings served in the Orlando Police Department for 27-years, and in 2007 became the first female to be appointed chief of police. During her tenure as Chief, she worked with the community to reduce violent crime by 40%, the most dramatic decrease in the city’s history.

Chief Demings has earned the support of SEUI, Local Teamsters 385, UFCW, AFGE, Laborers Local 517, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, the Congressional Black Caucus PAC and EMILY’s List, among many others. West Orlando news also endorsed Chief Demings in this election.

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  1. We are very honored and proud of our CHIEF! We know what a “GREAT” person she is and because of the way she was reared, we believe that she will “DO A GRAND JOB” for us in Washington.

    Congratulations Chief Demings! We are praying for you and your success in the November Election!

    Ernestine P. Mosley and Holly Mosley Cooper, daughter.


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