Tuesday, July 2, 2024
79 F

Central Florida State Rep. Receives League of Cities Legislative Award

A Central Florida State Representative received a League of Cities Legislative Appreciation Award.

The Florida League of Cities (FLC), the united voice for Florida’s municipal governments, recently recognized Democratic State Representative Kristen Arrington, of Kissimmee, with a 2024 Legislative Appreciation Award for her work during the 2024 Legislative Session to protect local decision making of Florida’s municipalities.

“I am honored to be recognized by the Florida League of Cities for my work in the Legislature. During the four sessions I have served in the Florida House, I have fought hard to protect home rule for our local municipalities,” said Representative Arrington, a Democrat. “It has been an honor to work with FLC to pass legislation beneficial to local governments.”

Legislative Appreciation Award recipients are legislators who have consistently advocated for the Florida League of Cities and its member.

Throughout the 2024 Legislative Session, these lawmakers actively supported or defended local decision-making. Their actions included consistent support of the League’s policy platform, proposing amendments to prevent preemptions and unfunded mandates, and garnering support for local self-governance behind closed doors.

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