Monday, April 29, 2024
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Ask the Dating Queen: I Wanna See My Girlfriend’s Real Hair

Diomi Miller - The Dating Queen


It’s been 6 months since my girlfriend and I have been together and I’ve never seen her real hair. She always wears a weave. I constantly ask her to let me see her real hair but, she gets mad at me and says “No”. I’m curious and don’t know what she’s hiding underneath her weave.

-Weavie Wonder


We all have certain parts of our bodies we are insecure about. Your girlfriend, no doubt, felt insecure about her hair, long before you entered her life. Be understanding of that and patiently wait for her to come around. Don’t constantly ask to see her hair.

Are you ready to see your girlfriend completely naked? And will you still be attracted to her no matter the appearance of her natural hair?

If you can’t handle the truth don’t ask for it. If you can handle it, then encourage her to lessen the amount of hair weave extensions she adds to her hair. If you don’t see an improvement over time then let your girlfriend know you will accept her for who she is and how hiding her natural beauty from you bothers you. If she still refuses to reveal her hair to you, end the relationship.

Good luck!

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