Saturday, May 4, 2024
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A Comment on the Tucson, Arizona Shooting

RESPONSE from a United States Veteran: To: Congressman Grayson; You are the/BEST!

A Complete and Independent Comment from:  Central Florida Voters Congress, SM

Many Words have been expressed about the Tragedy of this Month!

2011 Will always be remembered in the Halls of Congress as a month that marked the Opening of the Minds of America about what it means to live in a Nation that goes all over the World to Fight For PEACE, while we Suffer from the FEAR of being the Victims of Hate mongers at home!

Many news Casters have Said that: “We Should not propose who is responsible for causing the type of CLIMATE that caused the deaths of Innocent and Brave, law-abiding Community and National Leaders during this rampage at the Safeway Center”.

They are wrong!

The people who caused this climate should definitely be held responsible! They should be held accountable NOW more than EVER!

None of us are SAFE until and unless the Cause of these Crimes are Exposed! They Wanted Face Time before;

So Let’s Allow them FACE TIME Now! They Campaigned for HATE, So let them see what it is Like to Be Exposed!

Terrorism flourishes where there is no condemnation for these types of acts of cowardice!

Shooting innocent Victims, – whose only reason for being victimized is the free expression of their beliefs and doctrines -should not be silently covered up!

Every Sane and Rational Citizen of this Democracy should stand together now and get a grip on reality!

Those Noisy, Boisterous, False Prophets of Doom; Who declared Congressional Districts as Targets need to be placed on wanted Lists Now!

We want those who espoused the targeting of Congressional Districts and the Placing of Cross hair on certain Congressional Districts- to be identified, and Held accountable for their acts of untruthfulness in their campaigns of misinformation and negative attacks on the truth!

The statements; Take Back America for instance, indicate that some how America has been taken from Americans!

Nothing could be further from the Truth, and that means:

FALSE LIES REPEATED thousands of Times has caused crazy People; Such as the Shooters in this Arizona case; to act out what was suggested to them by Certain Political Party Radicals!

The scene of the crimes of these Political expressions by Gunfire was fully disgraceful, and was definitely caused DIRECTLY by the utterance of the Comments that were made during the past two years of campaigning by Some Misguided and evil – Minded Politicians!

The “PARTY ” Responsible for the CRAZIES acting out their crimes was and is a DIRECT RESULT of the many hateful Expressions made by those who want to tear apart the Constitution with reading into it:

Words and Phrases that have Opposite Meaning than those penned by, its framers and contrary to its intended uses.

Notwithstanding; the FACTS that: the FRAMERS of the U. S. Constitution, nor its first Executive;
–      Who Owned NINE Human Beings as SLAVES; – is a Dark and embarrassing footnote that reminds us all that:
The First Several and all Successive Books of the Bible and phrases of the Constitution itself Rile against the Denial of FREEDOM by any Government or any other Force!

Those who Voices Vicious Attacks against the Disadvantaged, the Working Class, the People Who Worked Hard to EARN Social SECURITY Benefits, and now they want to END Social Security and Cheat Those Law Abiding American Working People out of their Earnings;

Let them be Exposed, Now!

Those who knew and worked with EACH of the Victims of this Senseless Crime act; must do as Congressman Grayson has done: Speak of the HUMAN NATURE and Character of each of those twenty Victims and their families; which number in the Hundreds, and their Constituents which number in the Millions, and Add to that Number ALL AMERICANS, All Three hundred Million of us: Who now must together  MOURN the Lost Lives, while we Together Build a NEW NATION of Brave Souls, and  Truthful Politicians; and an enlightened electorate that will NOT Tolerate these type of Senseless Shootings of Innocent Congressional, Judicial servants nor ANY AMERICAN in this Manner!

Thank you, Congressman Grayson for Placing the HUMAN Character into perspective in this hour of uncertainty; this moment of grief and remorse.

Let us All PRAY that this act of Cowardice be met with Swift and Honest justice, not only for the Perpetrators, shooters and conspirators; but laws that demand accountability for ethical conduct from Media Exploiters, Political Extremists who harbor extreme criminal actions, and so-called political exploiters who use political platforms to exploit racial and ethnic divisions, and cause class divisions, and those self-serving political types who claim to be the “MORAL COMPASS” of the American Voters.  They are NOT MORAL nor Proper Compasses except for terror!

They are the New Nazi Party, and Klansmen and Women Party of the New Millennia!

There is no moral victory that allows this type of chaos on our streets.

We must stand together, like never before to see to it that ALL Parties: Political, Social and Economic parties alike; to this set of tragic events be Shown for who and for What they are: If they are the Demagogues of the Lowest Order, then we Should CALL them OUT! Like thy Called out for the Racist element, and the Nazi Elements for the “Taking Back of America! From Ourselves!”

Copyright 2011 Central Florida Voters Congress, SM;

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