Thursday, May 9, 2024
95.3 F

Happy National Doctors Day–“Some of my best friends are doctors”

Today, March 30, many of the top 1% economically in the United States likely will be celebrating their “national doctors’ day,” as they have since 1991, when recognition was bestowed on that profession by the United States President and Congress. Today, in Gainesville, Florida, the physicians of 1) Shands, 2)North Florida, and 3) the Southeast Region have made their presence known with three full pages of ads in the Gainesville Sun.

One contains nearly 60 photos—about 1/3 are women. Surnames suggest significant presence of Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners, Slavs. However, none of the mug shots seems to be black, that is, African American.

For that reason alone, at least locally, I suggest the 99% of us pay homage on November 1 to the caring physicians who once served this community willingly at a facility even after the surrounding area contained a significant black population. That date was proposed by former Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan. That was the date when the AGH community hospital closed its doors for the last time in 2009.

For the 1% that site is now known as UF/Shands’ Innovation Hub.

As UF President/former Shands Board Chair Bernie Machen stated when he announced the change of direction at that site: “The 20th century was a time when that property gave birth to babies. The 21st century is going to be where the property gives birth to companies.” Who said corporations aren’t people?


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