Monday, May 6, 2024
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A High Tech Lynching?

Fitzhugh Long fitzhugh longfitzhugh long

Daisy Lynum             Tyrone Nabbie            Rich Crotty


There are a lot of ruffled feathers regarding the very strong allegations of impropriety leveled against Fitzhugh Long, the Orange County Business Development Manager and big-bucks concessionaire ,Tyrone Nabbie.


The scathing report initiated by WKMG, the local CBS affiliate has upset some folks in very high places.


Chief among them, Orlando City Commissioner Daisy Lynum.
Daisy Lynum is the major architect of the Community Venues project which will dramatically stimulate Orlando’s blighted West Side upon its completion.  


A furious Lynum has declared that the Local 6 report was nothing more than a “high tech lynching”. 


Many in the African-American community are equally outraged.  In a perspective shared by many, Lynum has characterized the investigative report as nothing more than a “sloppy” attempt to “vilify” African-American business leaders.


Never one to back down from a fight, Daisy Lynum has written a very strong letter to Orange County Mayor Richard Crotty, urging him to consider his choices wisely as the county initiates its own investigation of the simmering issue.


The letter implores him to “take a stand” against local media bullying and to consider the impact that this matter will have on the African-American community.


   Her letter to Mayor Crotty can be viewed here:Mayor Crotty,

Last night, I watched the media story about Fitzhugh Long, your Business Development Manager, Inez Long and Tyrone Nabbie.  I was appalled and outraged by the attack on these individuals and disappointed that this story lacked intellectual credibility and resulted in literally smearing the names of leaders in our community.  Nowhere in the story was there a logical nexus of impropriety; nothing demonstrated a “conflict of interest” or any other ethical errors.  In fact, it was a sloppy throwing together of “so called” innuendos to vilify your staff and other business leaders in Central Florida, whom I support.

As you move to suspend your Business Development staff from participation in this particular procurement process involving the Orange County Convention Center, I want you to seriously consider how your actions will impact the black community.  Your leadership during this process is critical.  It is imperative that your internal process preserves Fitzhugh Long’s employment and his good reputation in the community.  Additionally, it is essential for Orange County to preserve the model procurement process that allows the Business Development staff to vote on the selection of minority and women businesses.  This role has been pivotal in developing numerous minority and women businesses in Central Florida. 

There are numerous black elected leaders, coming together, who will follow-up on this story, the County’s procurement process and the ramification of the continuous, needless attack on our black leaders and business owners in Central Florida. You and I have had a long-standing relationship on a personal and professional level.  Thus, I appeal to you on both levels.  Do not perpetuate this type of slanderous, divisive, inflammatory reporting. Do not continue this attack on your staff internally. This type of reporting and internal attacks creates distrust and divisiveness within our community. It constitutes “high tech lynching” of our leaders and needs to stop.  Please join me, and the other black leaders, as we take a stand against this media bullying.  Thank you.

Daisy W. Lynum, Mayor Pro Tem
City Commissioner – District 5
400 S. Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL 32802
ph: 407-246-2005
fax: 407-246-3010

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  1. Daisy Lynums palms are greased with so much of Tyrone Nabbies dirty money she cant even see straight. She is doing all black people a disservice by representing minority areas. She has in the past lobbied for Nabbies “Junkanoo House” in the Parramore area, although it was clearly an inferior business move for the city and less of a positive impact on the community than the other bid proposal. She is quick to play the race card when her house of cards is ready to fall. This is not a race thing, its a slimy underhanded business dealings thing and she truly makes me want to vomit. To think that someone in that position would exploit the black community for her personal gain via Tyrone Nabbie, and then play the race card when caught with her hand in the cookie jar is absurd, dispicable, and irresponsible. Daisy, Fitzhugh, Tyrone,…exemplary work, just the type of minorities in power we need to overcome racism. The black community should be outraged, but they probably arent.


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