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Obama’s White Media Advisors Causing Black Problems

The Gantt Report

By Lucius Gantt

     Some white folk are causing Barack Obama some very big Black problems!

     While Obama is criss crossing the United States and the world he has left his white campaign staff to figure out how to deal with Black voter education and Black vote generation.

     Bad move!

     Obama has spent enough time in Chicago Black neighborhoods to know that Black people oftentimes get their news and information in a totally different way than white people do.

     If he and his white media advisors don’t know, we get our most reliable history, news and information from each other!

     Rudimentary research by the Obama campaign would have shown that in order for Blacks to truthfully inform each other we had to plead our own cause.

     Black media companies became necessary because the white press would not cover events in the Black community They would not report on Black athletes and Black sports teams, would not respect Black opinions and related editorial views, they would not respectfully write about Black deaths and obituaries, they would not run Black cartoons and illustrations and the white press for hundreds of years, and some say as late as 2008, has little or no respect for Black media and Black journalist professionalism.

      OK,OK, what is the issue? You have to know it is economic. No disrespect intended but it seems some people are trying to pimp Obama.

      Yeah, I know my friends that love the Black Presidential candidate unequivocally don’t like for me to write like this but its true!

     Can I prove it? Yes!

      What do you call it if someone sends you out on the highways and byways and tells you to bring them all of the money you can so they can pay themselves and do whatever else they want to do? Sounds like pimping to me.

     More Black people have contributed money to the Barack Obama Presidential Campaign than to any presidential effort in history. Black people just want to get some of that money back in the form of patronizing Black community businesses, advertising with Black-owned media outlets and the hiring and utilization of Black political professionals. Barack Obama knows that better than David Axelrod and the other whites he has desired to trust his campaign with.

     Since Florida is always at the forefront of political issues that deal with Black voter and political disenfranchisement, it is only expected that they would be the first to rise up and question why Obama has allowed his campaign to disrespect and underutilize the Black-owned media institutions.

     Why do white media consultants seek to take Black campaign contributions and give it all to white media companies? One reason is that they like to take care of their people.

     Is it wrong for a Black candidate for President to desire to “take care” of his people too?
     White media companies say they refuse to spend with the Black media because Black newspapers, magazines and Black-owned broadcast stations have no numbers. They say the papers don’t have certified circulation figures and the broadcast stations have no rating service numbers.

     Well, I say the Black press cannot be accurately judged or evaluated by using white measuring sticks or performance models. You cannot judge Europe, Asia or Africa by using American standards so why would you expect what goes on in the hood by suburbian standards?

     If the powerful U.S. Census can’t count all of the Black people in the United States, how in the hell can Arbittron or Nielsen count all of the people that are influenced by Black-owned media. If the highly regarded U.S. Marshals can’t count the attendees at the Million Man March, how can they count how many hands and households a single Black newspaper goes through?

     This issue of Black media utilization is not going to stop Blacks from voting for one of their own but it is going t make Black people and Black voters angry.

      The Barack Obama Campaign should have faith in Black people just like Black people have faith in Barack Obama.

     The Barack Obama Campaign for President must spend more money in the Black community than any other candidate because he has received more money from the Black community than any other candidate!

      We are not contributing to his campaign merely to make closet klansmen and others that hate Barack deep down inside rich!
      It is call the Barack Obama Campaign but it really is an effort for all African Americans! (Gantt’s book “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing” is coming soon and will be illustrated by Lance zScurvin. Contact Lucius at

Lucius Gantt
The Gantt Report
Post Office Box 2071
Tallahassee, Florida 32316

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  2. It is amazing to me that people that supposedly support Obama are constantly complaining about him.

    Barack Obama has received donations from white people that have never donated to a Presidential candidate.

    The heckler in Florida obviously knew nothing about Obama.

    No matter what Obama does, a very large number of people want to find fault with him.

    If you really want one of your own in the White House, write articles that help him.

    Otherwise we could end up with McCain in the White House.

  3. Mr. Gantt capitalizes “Black” in reference to Black people, yet he uses lower case “white” in reference to White people. Mr. Gantt is clearly a Black Supremacist hate-monger.

  4. Obama doesn’t give a damn about hte black working class. He is going to legalize 20-30 million illegals in a comprehensive program that will “bring them in from the shadows”, let them pay $300 or so, and will let them import wives, kids and parents and throw them on SSI.

    Over 20 years ago, Barbara Jordan headed a blue ribbon committee that identified illegals even then as causing unemployment and reduced wages for black folks. But Obama doesn’t care.

    He would rather tax all of us to give Americans stupid worthless training in jobs Obama is sending to China and India rather than raise tariffs.

    White folks cannot afford to take care of Obama’s soon-to-be 150 million Mexicans (according to the GAO or CBO) once they bring all their kids and family here and dump them on us to take care of.

    I hope black folks are prepared to be third class citizens behind Mexicans and every other illegal Obama can give citizenship, free medical care and a free college education to.

    Back when white folks ruled, 110 years ago, Booker T. Washington asked American manufacturers to “cast down their buckets” right where their businesses were and hire loyal hardworking black folks rather than import strange foreigners that are not a part of the culture and do not speak the language.

    Obama is laughing his @ss off at Booker T. Washington’s foolishness. Hell, he and his wife hired a Hispanic mammy for their daughters in Chicago.

  5. Is there a reason why the word “black” is capitalized throughout this story and the word “white” is not? Would the editor of this paper allow a story to get through where white was capitalized and black was not? If not why not?

  6. Dear Mr. Gantt:

    Why, I am wondering, do you capitalize “Black” as a proper noun while not likewise capitalizing “white” as a proper noun?

    In the words of ‘Judas Iscariot’ [“Jesus Christ Superstar” (1970)]: “It doesn’t help us if you’re inconsistent!”

    [N.B. Since Black Liberation Theology purports that Jesus of Nazareth was but a poor, strong, proud and revolutionary Black man who was oppressed and lynched by genocidally racist ‘white’ European imperialists, would not that mean that His hand-picked betrayer, Judas Iscariot, was likewise but a poor, strong, proud and revolutionary Black man (a Black Zealot, in fact), also? Just curious….]

    Respectfully submitted,

    Daniel Kevin Hand, Exq.
    [ne Gary, Indiana, U.S.A.]

    P.S. If, by “klansmen” [supra], you are referring to card-carrying members of the Ku Klux Klan, then that appellation, too, ought to be capitalized as a proper noun!?! F.Y.E.

    8/6/8 @ 4:30 p.m. E.D.T. :: 3:30 p.m. C.D.T.

  7. Great Editoral,
    As African Americans, we need to hold Obama accountable just like any other candidate.
    I am the founder of a Urban FM radio station in Michigan. A station that has great ratings and still hasn’t got a adbuy from the Obama Campaign. However, the Rock Station has received buys from his campaign.


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