Tuesday, May 7, 2024
91 F

Yet, Another Crazy Floridian (Video)

A brave school board member tried to foil a man before he opened fire at a school board meeting in Panama City on Tuesday, after claiming that his wife had recently been fired by the Board. The man who fired several times at board members without hitting anyone, was eventually shot by a security guard, before he took his own life.

The real life drama was all caught on tape.   See YouTube Video (Channel 13-ABC) below of gunman firing on school board.

Clay Duke, 56, at some point during a school board meeting walked to the front of the meeting room, spray painted a red “V” in a circle on one of the walls, then began his rampage. Duke then pulled out a gun and ordered the women and children to leave. He tells members that the Board has fired his wife, their benefits have run out and they are broke.

“I am going to die today”, Duke said.

Bill Husfelt, Bay District Schools Superintendent, pleads with Duke to talk, but to no avail.  He offers to get Duke’s wife a job and inquires as to what she did.

“Please just talk to us,” Husflet implores Duke.  “If I could get your wife a job someplace else. What did she do?  Where did she work?”

Husflet continues talking to the gunman, repeatedly asking Duke to tell him what work his wife did. He even takes responsibility for firing Duke’s wife, even though he has no clue who the person is or what she did.  Husflet also pleads with Duke to let the rest of the school board members go and urges Duke to listen.

Bravery jumps into action when a school board member, Ginger Littleton attempts to distract Duke by knocking the gun from his hand with her handbag.  But, Duke wrestles Littleton to the ground and takes up his position in front of the board members, directly in front of Husflet.

Husflet makes one final plead and could be heard saying, “Just listen to us for a minute.  Please don’t, Please don’t.”

Duke opens fire as school board members duck behind the tables, but fortunately hits no one.

Duke was eventually shot by a security guard, but took his own life after turning his gun on himself, Panama City Police said.

Video of Clay Duke shooting at school board members.

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