Tuesday, May 7, 2024
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The Hate that WFTV Made

If there are any doubts that the actions of WFTV caused pain, misunderstanding and racial divisiveness, just take a look at some of the racist, hateful email sent to the commissioner that we’ve included in this post.

These are actual emails sent to Commissioner Daisy Lynum following the Sen. Gary Siplin press conference.  In that press conference, Commissioner Lynum was recorded making a statement about the racist, mainstream media here in Orlando.  The comments were not directed to the public, but to someone standing on her left. 


When local media decries the unanimous decision of a republican appointed appeals court, calling their decision disappointing what is one to think. 


The emails listed below contain language that may not be suited for public consumption, but we felt it was neccesary to share with the public the results of the WFTV distortion:



to: [email protected]

subject: your racist comment

You’re a racist IDIOT! You are living proof that black folks are still living in the past. Get over it woman! Move ahead. Get off your washer-woman knees and DO SOMETHING positive! It’s people like you who show why black people can’t govern and their inablility to govern is why the black run nations in Africa have people starving and being killed by their own countrymen. Siplin is guilty, you know it and STILL you support him. You Ma’am, are the racist here.

I bet you are supporting Obama for President………..and ya know what……..I bet it’s NOT because you think he has a greater ability to govern this nation than any other candidate…………You are supporting him because he’s black. Simple as that and that, my Dear is RACIST and STUPID.

However, not to worry………he won’t get elected.

Happy New Year………………

The madness created by the contempt and disdain held in the hearts of local, media towards black politicians and leaders speaks for itself.


It continues:



To: [email protected]

Subject: Your racist comment

Some sorry shit your are making a comment like you did, when that crook “Siplin”, “The Spotted Coon”,was exonerated. It is sorry fuckers like you that are truly the racists. The world don’t owe you shit. You looked like a bunch of thugs when the media was taping you. If you don’t like your job….GET THE FUCK OUT!!!! WE DON’T NEED PEOPLE LIKE YOU IN THIS TOWN.

 Even more:

Daisy Lynum,

How dare you play the race card. You claim racism behind every tree. 
You claimed racism when you son performed criminal activity, and you 
claim racism when another black gets a conviction overturned. When, 
exactly, would you be satisfied. You were elected, and although you 
are unprofessional an irresponsible and racist, you still have a job. 
You should thank got that someone racist like you can stay employed. 
You are as bad as any clan member.

You should be ashamed of yourself.


To: [email protected]

Subject: Your racist comment

I feel really bad for you and your family. You are a disgusting racist pig. If you want respect earn it. your comments show your true colors. You are the only racist, you should not represent my city. I am embarrassed for you, look in the mirror and be proud I am sure you cant do that you PIG

 The issue of race runs deep in the Orlando community.  The distortion and maliciousness of the WFTV story and the disgraceful comments of the Orlando Sentinel regarding the appeals court decision are prime examples of how mainstream media foments hatred in Central Florida.

Daisy Lynum is a long time friend to the gay community, in fact she is their only friend in Orlando’s City Hall, but even a gay viewer took time out from his day to blast Daisy.

Ms. Lynum,

I truly believe that the time has come for you to leave office.  Your shenanigans in the public are a disgrace to this city.  I’ve always felt that people should be judged by the content of one’s character, and not by the color of their skin(does that sound familiar to you?)  And I’m a “white boy”.  I have never been prejudiced, mainly because I grew up with a father who was quite prejudiced and also because I am a gay man who has seen his share of slurs being thrown at me.  But you walk around this town with a chip on your shoulder.  I truly believe you are a disgrace to the African American community.  By your actions in the media, you are doing more harm to your people, than good. 

Wake up Daisy!!  The time has come to step aside and allow a fresh approach to lead your District.  Change happens by the good that you do in the community, not by the theatrics that you seem to be so fond of.

Tim M.
A concerned Orlando resident and proud gay man! 

A little distortion goes a long way. 


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  1. I am a African American & I have to say that I get disgusted at the theatrics of Daisy Lynum & her son. While I do agree that racism does exist & is happens more times than not, however it will never be dealt with correctly when some people use it anytime its convenient. I also think there are better ways to expose racism than to rant & rave about it all the time.

    Unfortunately for everyone wishing for her to leave office, don’t count on it. The reason she’s able to do what she does is because she has a very good relationship with many of Orlando’s rich, white business men who do lots of business in the downtown area. They are not going to bite the hand of the loud-mouth woman that makes them richer.


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