By Andy Lytle

I recently learned that women only earn .77 cents for every dollar a man makes and I thought, that doesn’t sound right. It is 2014, and women are still not viewed as equals in the workplace?
A majority of families depend on income from men and women, making equal pay not just a women’s issue. On average, the income difference between men and women is just over $7,000 a year. That’s huge!
As a co-owner of Receptor Sound and Lighting I have seen the difficulty women encounter when entering the engineering and production profession. Even with a specialized degree most sound and lighting operators start off doing equipment set up and tear down. Men are reluctant to hire women in that position due to heavy lifting and the fast pace required. I know first-hand that women are just as capable as men at doing this job. My business will never deny anyone the opportunity to pursue a career in audio engineering and you can bet we will pay equally, but fixing this problem can’t just be about individual businesses doing the right thing.
I joined the Main Street Alliance to draw attention to issues like equal pay and help the community that my business depends on. Families are struggling to balance rising child care costs and student loan payments and could really benefit from added revenue. Extra money in their pockets will bring them out to local concerts and music festivals and allow them to put their hard earned money back into the community.
Equal pay is good for small businesses and our community.
Andy Lytle is Owner of Receptor Sound and Lighting and Main Street Alliance member