Senator Bill Nelson is saying goodbye to Florida voters after his stunning defeat by Republican Rick Scott. Always a true statesman, Senator Nelson called on people “to come together for the good of the country to get things done.” He also urged his supporters to continue fighting. Senator Bill Nelson’s full statement as emailed to his constituents and video of his remarks on the Senate floor:

Dear Friends,
I want to thank you for the privilege of serving as your voice in the United States Senate.
While things worked out a little differently than we had hoped this past election, we all must continue to fight for what’s right.
We must continue to fight for the fundamental right of health care, and against any attempt to roll back protections for pre-existing conditions.
We must continue to fight to preserve the natural wonders of our state – from the Everglades, to the pine forests, to the sandy white beaches that line our coasts.
We need to continue launching rockets and exploring the heavens. And better protect the planet that our children and grandchildren will inherit.
We need to fight to strengthen Social Security and Medicare; and we need to end all forms of suppression and make it easier for people to vote.
We have to move beyond a politics that aims not just to beat our opponents, but to destroy them; where truth is treated as disposable, and the free press is assaulted as the enemy of the people.
We need to come together for the good of the country to get things done.
There’s been a gathering darkness in our politics in recent years – but my hope for a better future can be found in the words of John F. Kennedy who said civility can guide us through that darkness to a safe and sane future.
Again, I want to say thank you for the privilege of a lifetime of public service.
God bless you and God bless our country.
Bill Nelson [signature]