Tuesday, March 18, 2025
66.8 F

Ol’ Man On A Mountain


51VdvP400ZL._SL500_AA300_Stuart Omans who retired from teaching classes of Shakespeare at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, now writes about how he and his wife found a piece of property in North Carolina to retreat to from the Orlando area.  He compares the fast paced world of Orlando to a more laid back easy going lifestyle of North Carolina. The writing style is easy which makes the stories about the townspeople he and his wife encounter in “Ol ’Man On A Mountain,” such a delight to read.

Stuart Omans

Create Space Inc

c/o Create Space

4900 LaCross Rd., North Charleston, SC 29406


9781626600324, $14.99, www.amazon.com

Calling Off Christmas

51oeU7Qih8L._UY250_The Environmental Protection Agency tells Santa Claus and his elves at the North Pole that they have to stop all production because they are the number 1 contributor to Global Warming and the polar caps are melting because of them.  Santa takes up residence in New York State and gets a job as a custodian in a school while his elves are dispersed across the country.  But something happens and the world has to call upon Santa to come out of retirement.  The question is does he?  “Calling Off Christmas” reminded me of “Skipping Christmas” by John Grisham that became the great movie “Christmas With The Kranks.”   Like the Grisham novel and the movie, “Calling Off Christmas” is a fun story that has a lot to say about the message of Christmas and is a perfect book for readers of all ages any time of the year.

Jeremy K. Brown

Create Space Inc

c/o Create Space

4900 LaCross Rd., North Charleston, SC 29406


9781479221554, $7.00, www.amazon.com

Boombin and Lama: A story of friendship…..investigation…and adventure!

61h4o67s8qL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_There are so many things wrong with “Boombin and Lama” that detract from any enjoyment of this kid’s book.  “Boombin and Lama” is filled with too many messages and not enough story or characters to enjoy. The print on many pages blends in with the artwork making it difficult to read, and the cover is not exciting enough to entice a  person to want to read the book. These are just a few of its problems. “Boombin and Lama” is a prime example of why POD or self published books have a bad reputation.

Boona Cheema & Damon Guthrie

Outskirts Press Inc.

10940 South Parker Road, #515, Parker, CO 80134


9781478722502, $19.95, www.amazon.com


jpegBooks like “Cloris” can either be fun to read or not.  This one is a not because she is too busy telling you how great she is and the techniques she used for different roles. She does talk a bit about some of the characters she has played through the years which did make that part interesting. But, on the whole, “Cloris” is a thumbs down disappointment.

Cloris Leachman with George Englund

Kensington Publishing Corp

119 West 40th Street, New York, NY  10018


978075829632, $24.00 www.amazon.com

Disaster Handbook

51eORjUmccL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_Disasters happen and “Disaster Handbook” is a perfect resource to have handy on what to do in the aftermath.  The author gives sound advice of how to prepare your home for any unforeseen event and the steps to get things back to normal everyday living.  Some of the things he deals with are planning for things like being snowed in at home, tornados, hurricanes, landslides, and floods.  He tells how to get ready  by doing things like sealing a bathtub, having enough food that does not require refrigeration, things to do in the yard to not have flying objects.  He also tells the place of others to help and government and its role to assist after a disaster.  “Disaster Handbook” is an easy to follow guide on being prepared.

Robert Brown Butler

Create Space Inc.

c/o Create Space

4900 LaCross Rd., North Charleston, SC 29406

www.createspace.com, www.thedisasterhandbook.com

9781497528185, $15.99, www.amazon.com

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Touched by an Angel

51ZqVgSpY8L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_“Chicken Soup for the Soul: Touched by an Angel” is one of the most interesting titles of this long running popular series.  This time 101 authors tell their stories of how something from beyond influenced them.  Three of the ones I really enjoyed are: “Thank you Lord” by Suzanna Leigh where for some reason she did not take a flight, “Help with the Laundry” by Darlene Sneden had interesting help doing laundry when she was washing uniforms for her daughter’s soft ball team, and “My Bookstore Angel” by Gail Hayden, where a man helps her find a particular book.  All of these writings are interesting and inspirational and make you believe Angels are real.

Amy Newmark, with a Foreword by Gabrielle Bernstein

Chicken Soup For The Soul Publishing LLC


978161599411, $14.95 www.amazon.com


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