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OCPS Celebrates Winners of Teacher, Support Person, Principal, Assistant Principal of Year

Earlier this month, Orange County Public Schools celebrated its Stellar Award winners at the Rosen Shingle Creek with more than 450 honorees, 16 finalists and four winners of Teacher, Support Person, Principal and Assistant Principal of the Year. The honorees represented more than 205 schools and multiple district departments. All the winners will advance to compete at the state level.

The OCPS winners in each of the respective categories are:

Teacher of the Year
Nancy Welch, Practical Nursing Instructor
Orange Technical College

A person smiling for the camera Description automatically generated with low confidenceNancy Welch takes pride in providing students with knowledge and skills to effectively serve the community in health-care settings. She leads by example and believes it takes a village when providing patient care, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. She is an integral part of the pipeline for ensuring that local health-care facilities meet the ongoing demand for highly-skilled nurses. Her strategies and essential instruction provide future nurses with an understanding of scientific and technical information and guidance while pursuing excellence in the nursing field.

Support Person of the Year
Joy Hamilton, Exceptional Student Education Program Assistant
Sunridge Middle School

A picture containing person, person Description automatically generatedMs. Hamilton asserts there is nothing more inspiring than gaining the trust of children and them feeling safe, seen and heard. Working with students who have physical disabilities has taught her to be aware of their abilities and where an individual student may need academic and emotional support. Ms. Hamilton believes success breeds self-confidence and self-worth, which is one of the reasons she started a mentorship program. Her time, compassion and dedication inspired students to improve their grades and behavior to successfully complete the school year.

Principal of the Year
Julie Helton, principal
Castleview Elementary

With experience working as an administrator at the district-level and as a principal at the school-level, Julie Helton has demonstrated academic success with elementary and secondary students for nearly 20 years. Not only has she shown great leadership with students and parents, but with her peers as well. Dr. Helton has led a variety of trainings for principals and assistant principals, while also mentoring three principals this school year. In every school she has worked in, she has been highly regarded in her handling of difficult and high-pressure situations.

Assistant Principal of the Year
Kenya Nelson-Warren, assistant principal
Evans High

To meet the needs of her school, Kenya Nelson-Warren says she works hard to remain versatile and flexible. She knows the value of effective communications and ensures it is maintained, especially during initiatives, assessments and expectations. Her principal describes her as a servant leaders who represents the very best in leadership within the district. She finds creative solutions and inspires others to reach their full potential. She is the principal designee, when needed, and is trusted for her decision-making skills and collaborative abilities. She has a proven track record for increasing student achievement and fierce determination in ensuring rich instruction and student support.

Here are the next steps for these local winners:

  • The Teacher of the Year winner will be the district’s nominee for the Florida Department of Education Teacher of the Year.
  • The Support Person of the Year will be the district’s nominee for the Florida School-Related Employee of the Year.
  • The Principal of the Year will be the district’s nominee for the Florida Department of Education Principal Achievement Award for Outstanding Leadership.
  • The Assistant Principal of the Year will be the district’s nominee for the Outstanding Assistant Principal Achievement Award.

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