Saturday, March 22, 2025
46.4 F

NBA All Stars: “It’s Good to be the King”

Leaning back to 1981, Mel Brooks’ History of the World, Part I was released to find instant classic status. One memorable scene was when Brooks stated “It’s good to be the king.” At the time I was naïve to the phrase, not even scratching the meaning’s surface. After all, how was I to know there were two worlds, two classes, two brands of people?

That was then. Today is now.

This week Orlando City Beautiful is hosting the 61st annual NBA All Star game as well as a laundry list of surrounding events, promoting an era where royals rule through sport. Ready for the quote connection?

Like no other time in Central Florida’s history, hundreds of athlete and entertainment kings and queens will be within ear and eye shot for the once deaf and blind… though still not within reach as intra-class mingling still leaves a bad taste for many of the power elite. So, where does that leave you, the 99% of the world hoping to catch a peek as an idol drives by, sipping an organic drink, in their escorted stretch.

For most of us unable to secure a front-row ticket, maybe a glimpse is all we need.

Leaving one pressing question: What must I do to be part of the “in” crowd? In other words, besides watching ten chase an orange bounce inflated by hot air within the confines of the Amway Arena, where will the heavies be?

Though many of the watering holes and relaxing bars are invitation only (sorry, you can’t attend, not open to the public – wait, didn’t The Offspring have something to say about keeping people separated? Note to self: listen to the seventh track of come Out And Play), West Orlando News has an inside scoop and will be bringing the score to you; on and off the court.

Over the week I’ll highlight local organizations and companies providing luxurious pampering to the celebrities and athletes visiting our city. Through pictures and comment, you will become part of the experience.

Who’s going to be receiving a kings treatment and by whom, check it out beginning this Thursday evening for your inside view.

Thirty years ago Mel Brooks cracked the elitist window and allowed the general public to vicariously experience a king’s life. In the year 2012, with or without VIP status, you can be part of the party and know what how good it is to be the king.

Hitting the history books once again with a worn out cliché, be there or be square

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPRW, CPCC
Got Twitter? Shadow me @dannyatecs

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