Just when you thought that there would be a viable candidate to defeat Buddy Dyer, the Irishman Ken Mulvaney, gets his ass kicked by Buddy Dyer.
His lame laments against the incumbent were met with deaf ears by Orlando voters who trust Buddy Dyer to take the city through an impending recession and severe real estate downturn.
Here are the numbers:Mayor
84 of 84 Precincts Reporting
39,997 ballots cast out of 100,925 eligible voters
(39.63% turnout)
Name Votes Vote %
Buddy Dyer, 24,150 60.38%
Ken Mulvaney, 15,847 39.62%
Maybe this will be the last of Mulvaney. Getting his ass kicked by Buddy Dyer this time should reveal Mr. Mulvaney as he really is: A Wannabe