With the unemployment rate as it is, NOW is NOT the time to sit back and wait. As a matter of fact, NOW has never been a better time to become active in your own career success. With this in mind, WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA is bringing to the Kissimmee Civic Center a Job Fair with some rather impressive companies scheduled to appear… and so should you.
What do MasterCorp, Inc, Burger King, EA Tiburon, Bank of America, Image Quest Worldwide, and Crown Plaza Universal (as well as a boat load of many more companies) share in common? You guessed and: they are scheduled to be at the Job Fair this Wednesday (April 28th) between the hours of noon and 4:00 pm. For those not familiar with the area, the physical address is 201 E. Dakin Avenue, Kissimmee, Florida 34741.
Info you need to know:
* Bring plenty resumes and cover letters (make sure your resume and cover letter highlights the value and contributions you WILL bring to a company).
* Dress appropriately; no jeans, no baseball caps, no tennis shoes (yes, even shoes are important) and, for the guys, wear a tie with your slacks/long sleeve shirt; for a ladies, professional attire ONLY.
* Look the part; first impressions weigh heavily. If all else fails and you are unsure what is right or wrong, be conservative, if you have facial rings, take them off for this go around and if you are tacked out, try to cover the ink up. I know you’re thinking this is who you are and if the company doesn’t want you the way you are, too bad. News flash, this event is NOT about you… it’s about what you can do for the company and if you fit THEIR image… leading us to the next bullet.
* Brand yourself the right way; this not only means how you look but what you say. Speak in a confident manner, NEVER talk badly about a past employer, and prepare a nice 15 second (give or take a few seconds) introductory statement (aka an elevator speech).
* Introduce yourself with a firm handshake (please no clammy or overtaking—nothing like giving someone the creeps from the get-go) and retain eye to eye contact without getting into a contest (no staring, another creepy potential creepy moment).
* Bring yourself; do NOT bring children, parents, or friends.
* Professional courtesy goes a long way… being impatient, interrupting, or plain old rude gets you nowhere quick.
Following basic guidelines when putting yourself “out there” gives you the upper hand. Enough reading for now, you have a job fair to prepare for!
If you would like additional information and a list of employers, call 407-531-1222 or log on to WorkforceCentralFlorida.com
Wishing you nothing but success,
dhuffman, certified resume writer, certified career coach, certified interview professional, and owner of Career Services International and Education Career Services as well as author of over 12 career management publications. Contact him at [email protected] with any career questions or issues.
Oh! How exciting! I’d love to work for Bank of America! Will you write my resume, Mr. Huffman? I would be ever so delighted.