Friday, September 20, 2024
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Invitation Accepted: Trump Will Return to Southern Border

Former President Donald Trump will be making a major visit at the end of the month, as he confirmed accepting an invitation to visit the southern border, or an “unmitigated disaster zone” as he called it. The move may finally force Vice President Kamala Harris’ hand, who was tasked by President Joe Biden to lead the border crisis and who has gone nearly 90 days without a border press conference or visit to the border.

“I have accepted the invitation of Texas Governor Greg Abbott to join him on an official visit to our Nation’s decimated Southern Border on Wednesday, June 30, 2021,” Trump said. “The Biden Administration inherited from me the strongest, safest, and most secure border in U.S history and in mere weeks they turned it into the single worst border crisis in U.S history. It’s an unmitigated disaster zone.”

Trump also previewed what we may here from him at the visit.

“We went from detain-and-remove to catch-and-release,” Trump said. “We went from having border security that was the envy of the world to a lawless border that is now pitied around the world. Biden and Harris have handed control of our border over to cartels, criminals, and coyotes. Drug dealers, MS-13 gang members, human smugglers, sex traffickers, and the criminal elements of the world now have free reign. Hospitals and schools are getting crushed and public health is being sacrificed all in service of a radical left anti-borders agenda. Our brave border agents and courageous ICE officers have been illegally stopped from doing their jobs. Our Nation is now one giant sanctuary city where even dangerous criminals are being cut loose and set free inside the U.S interior on a daily basis.”

The former President also called out the current Biden administration.

“If this weren’t bad enough, Biden and Harris won’t even tour the scenes of the wreckage they created, or come down and visit with the Border Patrol and ICE heroes risking their lives to defend our Nation at a time when the White House is doing everything it can to make their job totally impossible,” Trump said. “What Biden and Harris have done, and are continuing to do on our border, is a grave and willful dereliction of duty.”

“My visit will hopefully shine a spotlight on these crimes against our Nation—and show the incredible people of ICE and Border Patrol that they have our unshakeable support,” Trump concluded.

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