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Florida GOP: We’ll Tell the Poor What to Eat

A Republican majority in Tallahassee – you know, the “less government” folks – is pushing through legislation that would specify what foods poor people can eat. That’s right, the same party that proclaims to want to get government off your back wants that same government rooting around your cupboard and standing in your kitchen.

A few weeks ago, Republican State Senator Ronda Storms filed a bill that will bar Florida residents who receive federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits from purchasing “unhealthy foods.” This may include foods such as chips, cookies and soda.
Senator Storms says that when grocery shopping for her family, she noticed other shoppers buying junk food with federal food stamp money. In an effort to restrict what shoppers can buy with federal dollars, Storms filed a bill to take those types of foods off the SNAP menu. The bill will also require the state to launch culturally sensitive campaigns to teach SNAP recipients about healthy eating.

This goes to show just how out of touch the Republican Party of Florida is with most residents of the Sunshine State.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 34 percent of SNAP receivers are white with 22 percent African-American. With the majority of those on food stamps in the state more than likely white, who will the state target with this culturally sensitive educational program?

Also, if Senator Storms is so concerned with what those who receive SNAP eat, let me suggest an alternative to her: Not every assistance recipient has access to a full-sized grocery store. Some on this federal program are stuck in the middle of “food deserts.” With no grocery stores nearby, these individuals have to drive a lengthy distance – or more likely, ride the bus – just to buy food or purchase sustenance from the corner store, which probably sells mostly junk food.

Instead of restricting what these individuals can purchase, why not focus the Legislature’s energy on making sure these food desert areas have grocery stores? Better yet, Senator Storms is paid by the good people of Florida and their tax dollars. Can we restrict what Legislators are able to eat with their money while they are in Tallahassee?

Are we then to tell all state employees what they can eat? Where does it stop?

If Senator Storms or the Republican Party truly cared about what these individuals are ingesting, they would be focused on jump-starting healthy eating programs, not legislating big brother diet control. Sen. Storms saw something that she didn’t like – poor people eating food that she didn’t approve of. Should that litmus test be the driver for laws in this state? Especially since there is no tangible evidence that using food stamps adds to a poor diet.

Lastly, Senator Storms, the USDA has already completed the research on your insensitive piece of legislation. According to their research, new restrictions on SNAP means more costs to states and the federal government. That’s right, in this era of trimming the budget at all costs – this bill actually makes this program more expensive.

We have more pressing issues that require our attention, such as getting Floridians back to work and fixing the state’s housing crisis. This bill is nothing more than a distraction from the real issues facing our great state and a cowardly attack on poor people.

Senator Storms and the Florida Republican Party, find something useful to do with your time, like finding those 700,000 jobs Governor Rick Scott promised.

Jason Henry is a candidate for the Florida House, representing District 39.

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