Florida farmers are currently assessing the damage to their citrus crops which were hit with sub-freezing temperatures early Monday morning, this on the back of several cold days in a row.
“The reports we are getting tell us there is frozen fruit as well as twig and leaf damage out there now it may be days or weeks until we figure out whether there is long-term tree damage,” said Michael W. Sparks, executive VP/CEO of Florida Citrus Mutual.
Sparks said that currently the information is anecdotal and varies from grove to grove and a complete picture of losses would likely take several weeks. “Complicating the issue is the sheer number of cold days we had in a row. I can’t remember anything like it,” Sparks said.
Florida Citurs Mutual said the North (Lake County) and West side of the citrus belt along Pasco, East Hillsborough, Western Polk, Desoto, Hardee and Hendry received the brunt of cold temperatures Monday morning. The Central region and Indian River region appeared to come through in decent shape but there could be isolated or low lying areas where damage occurred.
For fruit damage to set in temperatures must reach 28 degrees for four hours or more. Colder temperatures for longer periods of time can cause tree damage.
In December, the USDA said Florida will produce a 135 million box orange crop. The USDA makes its initial forecast in October and then revises it monthly until the end of the season in July.
The Florida citrus industry creates a $9 billion annual economic impact, employing nearly 76,000 people, and covering about 570,000 acres. Founded in 1948 and currently representing nearly 8,000 grower members, Florida Citrus Mutual is the state’s largest citrus grower organization. For more information, visit www.flcitrusmutual.com.