Wednesday, February 19, 2025
63.1 F

Democrats Launch Seniors For Biden-Harris in Florida

Democrats launched Seniors For Biden-Harris with voter outreach events in Florida.

Hillsborough County Democrats, State Representatives Dianne Hart and Susan Valdés, and South Shore Democratic Club President Fran Bodman held a phone banking, postcard writing, and voter engagement event to kickoff Seniors for Biden-Harris in Florida — a national organizing coalition to mobilize key communities around what’s at stake for American seniors in the 2024 election.

The speakers at the Tampa Democratic event highlighted the contrast between the Biden-Harris administration’s work to protect American seniors — including reducing the cost of prescription drugs, capping the price of insulin at $35 for seniors and strengthening Social Security and Medicare — with Donald Trump’s plans, which Democrats said would raise costs for seniors.

In Florida, over 4 million seniors rely on Medicare and Social Security for their health and financial security. Following Trump’s lead, Democrats said state-level Republican initiatives have sought to weaken health care coverage and promote junk insurance plans, further endangering the wellbeing of Floridians.

“With Joe Biden, Florida seniors are seen, heard, and protected,” remarked Tampa area State Representative Dianne Hart. “Donald Trump is a threat to the lives Florida seniors have worked so hard to create. In Trump’s America, corporations win while seniors and their families lose. We can’t have that.”

“Trump’s plans for America would leave millions of seniors with fewer benefits and higher barriers to the care they need. We can’t let that happen,” said Tampa area State Representative Susan Valdés. “The launch of Seniors for Biden shows that President Biden has our backs and is committed to fighting for us. A vote for Joe Biden is a vote to protect our state, our country, and our seniors.”

“Donald Trump has made it his mission to attack benefits for senior citizens. He’s relentlessly tried to dismantle protections for our retirement savings” stated Fran Bodman, President of the South Shore Democratic Club. “In stark contrast, President Biden and Vice President Harris have taken on special interests to protect your retirement savings and crack down on absurd bank fees. We have to vote like our lives depend on it, because they do.”

Florida Democrats also launched Seniors For Biden-Harris in Gadsden County with a postcard writing blitz and rally. More than 50 area seniors attended the kick-off event and rolled up their sleeves to write over one hundred postcards to Florida voters.

“Joe Biden has a proven record on issues important to seniors, like lowering the cost of health care and prescription drugs, and he continues to work to bring down costs and help ensure older folks can afford to stay in the homes where they built their lives. It’s amazing to see this launch of Seniors for Biden in Gadsden because he gets it — seniors are a powerhouse at the polls, and are crucial to winning Florida,” said Tallahassee area state Representative Gallop Franklin. “The choice before us is as clear as day: We either reelect President Joe Biden, who will fight for Florida’s seniors, or let Donald Trump wreak havoc on the benefits and health care that millions rely on.”

“President Joe Biden is out there battling Big Pharma, lowering health care costs for seniors. And what’s Trump doing? He’s cozying up to his ultra-wealthy buddies, as usual. In Trump’s America, corporations win while seniors and their families lose. His plans would leave millions of seniors with fewer benefits and higher barriers to the care they need. We can’t let that happen. As a Black woman, I have serious concerns about what another Trump term means for me, my community, and our seniors,” added Gadsden County Commissioner Brenda Holt.

“This year, we have the choice: President Biden, who has proven he’s willing to fight for us, and delivers results, or Donald Trump, the dangerous, reckless man who wants to attack the programs seniors depend on to survive. Florida seniors could lose what they’ve fought their whole lives to build, and we simply cannot let that happen. We cannot afford another term for Donald Trump,” said Judy Mount, first vice chair of the Florida Democratic Party.

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