Wednesday, January 8, 2025
46.2 F

Closing the Racial Wealth Gap

As we celebrate the upcoming Holy(days), we have to be cognizant of who truly benefits from the transfer of capital out of the African-American communities. Are the Holy(days) really a time of celebration for us when we look at wealth and income indicators? Let’s take Florida for instance, the Asset Poverty rate for Caucasians is 19% compared to households of color, whose rate is 41.2%. Net Worth by race is: Whites – $112,647 compared to African-Americans – $8,803. Of course the list does indeed go on. The wealth gap is getting bigger, as we participate in rituals that give our income away to “groups” that do not spend with us.  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  We spend our money this Thanksgiving and “Black Friday” with other groups and then complain that we don’t have jobs.  This is “Insane!”

Our actions are documented as spending: (1) $166 billion on housing (2) $65 billion on food (3) $31.5 billion on cars and trucks (4) $26 billion on clothing (5) $23 billion on health care, all in 2010, and that’s just the top 5 markets.

So please explain to me with $65 billion spent on food, why are there no African-American owned supermarket chains?  With $31 billion spent on cars and trucks, why are there no African-American car manufactures like we had in the 1920s?  We can have full employment for every African-American man, woman and young person that wants to work and build wealth for ourselves, if we just produce the goods that we consume and control the money we already spend on goods and services in this country.

To be kept in economic bondage, we must be convinced that we are not as good as, or less than someone else. This is where the indoctrination through negative images in the media are planted in our minds. You see, the mind is the field where the psychological, spiritual and economic battles are fought. So, as we spend our money this Holy(day) season, do not commit economic suicide by spending your hard-earned money with people who do not buy from you. Instead of draining our communities of capital, let us circulate our money by turning “Black Friday” into an economic boon for African-American businesses by everyone patronizing a Black business this Friday and through the weekend. We sent a positive message to the government on Nov. 6th with our political vote. Now send a positive economic vote with your dollar. Buy “BLACK” this weekend!!!

by Bro. Delano

Bro. Delano is the Executive Director of the Pine Hills Community Development Corporation.  He can be reached at: [email protected]. You can also “Like” Pine Hills Community Development Corporation on Facebook.  


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