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Assistant State Attorney Ryan Williams Blasted by Noel Carter Defense

RyanWilliamsNoelCarterAssistant State Attorney Ryan Williams’ comments during closing arguments of the controversial Noel Carter case are being called out by prominent civil rights attorney Natalie Jackson. Williams’ rationale for defending Orlando Police Department officers who were moonlighting downtown is beyond absurd, and even insulting.

Williams actually suggested that the police officers who beat, kicked, pepper sprayed and used a taser on Noel Carter acted with restraint because they didn’t shoot Carter. “My mouth dropped open…THAT IS NOT THE LAW,” attorney Jackson posted on social media, criticizing Williams’ comments. State Attorney Jeff Ashton, Williams’ boss, was in the courtroom listening to the closing arguments when the controversial comments were made.

“When we have state attorneys who don’t know human rights laws or dabble in dog-whistle politics for a verdict, we are in trouble as a nation,” Jackson warned.

Apparently, Williams and others in Ashton’s office believe the new standard of law is to allow police to do anything they want as long as they don’t shoot to kill. Is this the reasoning Ashton used to quickly clear the OPD officers involved in the incident?

According to Jackson, at most, police believed Carter had committed misdemeanor battery. “In America, by law, police can’t even shoot a fleeing felon unless that felon is an imminent danger to police or the public,” Jackson posted, along with a link to a recap of Tennessee v. Garner.

State Attorney Jeff Ashton, Assistant State Attorney Ryan Williams and their office destroyed a man’s life with this controversial trial and they should not be proud of the way this verdict was received.

RELATED: Noel Carter Case Exemplifies Bad Side of Orlando

UPDATE: Ryan Williams Resigns, Accepts New Offer

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