Friday, September 20, 2024
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Teen Girls Charged with Conspiracy to Commit Murder

Three teenage girls living in a group home in Deltona are facing some extremely serious criminal charges after they were accused Monday night of plotting to kill their house parent, according to Volusia County Sheriff’s deputies.

Investigators went to the group home on Courtland Boulevard, where are total of four girls live, in response to a 911 call around 9:30 p.m. One girl wasn’t involved in the plot.

Christina Beckner and Quandaleesha Johnson, both 15, and 13-year-old Marliesia Ortiz — were reported to be out of control, turning over furniture and throwing things around the house. And one of the girls, Johnson, was twirling a small garden shovel.

The 24-year-old house parent, in fear for her safety, locked herself in her room. The girls, apparently angry at the house rules and for being disciplined by having their phone privileges revoked, started screaming and throwing objects at the bedroom door in an effort to coax the house parent out of the room.

According to investigators, the three had hatched a scheme to lure the victim out of her room and then jump on her back and snap her neck. If that didn’t kill her, they were going to stab her with the blade on the garden shovel and then dump her body in a park.

The girl who wasn’t involved overheard the plot and revealed it to deputies.

Deputies said, two of the girls were uncooperative during the interviews and kept changing their stories. But eventually, details of the plan came out during questioning. One of the girls said she wanted to get back at the house parent because she didn’t think it was fair that she had the authority to make up the house rules.

Deputies charged all three girls with conspiracy to commit murder. Additionally, Beckner and Ortiz were charged with criminal mischief and Johnson was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Beckner, Johnson and Ortiz were transported to the Volusia Regional Juvenile Detention Center in Daytona Beach.



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  1. I am confused as to why DCFS/Case workers or the Supervisor of the group home have not stepped in especially since there had been numerous 911 call since Jan – to present. These teens are all award of the state of Florida dont they do monthly evalluations at these type of facilities. Also the 24 yrs old is not their Foster Mom she is a worker for the facility. My question is when the girls were told their phone priveledges were being taken away did she explain to them why and what they need to do to get these priviledges back. Was she talking at the teens or talking to them. i believe it’s all in how you deliver your message is how your going to get a reaction. Not saying that them threatening her was right, but I am sure they have some behavioral issues… I will pray for the teens.

  2. I agree with Sazsha…It’s obvious that there are some issues with guldelines and rules in this group home. I want to know If the staff at these facilities are trained/educated on behavioral issues, or just a person taking up space and getting a pay check. Are these teens just slipping through the cracks. It’s apparent that they do not have the Mother figure and nuturing they need. I can only try to put myself in their shoes for one moment to understand there emotions. I am curious to know if the teens are in counseling. Do they have group meetings with the children. Has the group home employees attempted to bulld a relationship with each child to meet their specific needs. These teens were acting out for all types of reasons. Please don’t put them away and throw away the key.
    Let’s get them the one on one help they need like mentoring programs that help with low self esteem and building trust, to prepare them for the world as young adults.

  3. I’m a fifteen year old girl who lived in that same foster home. Only a couple months before I was moved to an adoptive family’s home. I lived in choices group home for almost two years. I lived with Marleisia and Christina a few months before I moved. I can assure you that nobody would have been harmed if I were still there. I love and miss you Chrissy and marleisia.

  4. i’m sure it wasn’t that serious sazsha. i think this was edited to make the kids look bad. yes, there is a lot of things that have happend in the group home that shouln’t have. but, i lived in that same house, with the same girls and the some of the others who have been involved with this case, and i can reassure you that in the two years i live in that house was not that bad as the media is making it out to be.

  5. It’s Really great and things are becoming legal for me on July 16, I’m very excited to start over in a new chapter in my life. Now I have a father, mother, brother, sister, two dogs, and a cat. So I guess It’s all down hill from here 🙂

  6. Tricey..Glad to hear things are heading in the right path. Its always a blessing to know that a family has a big heart and is willing to take this emotional step to give a child a home. GOD is good. I will keep you and you our new family in my prayer. Know that GOD has a master plan for you.


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