Tuesday, May 7, 2024
91 F

The Significance of Colin Powell’s Endorsement

By: Roger Caldwell

John McCain has downplayed Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barak Obama as a decision that was expected. He tried to infer that, he was not upset, and you win some, and you lose some. But McCain’s angry tone, and personal attacks directed at Obama’s character appear to have backfired.
The continuous outlandish attacks and baseless allegations by John McCain and the RNC has created a negative campaign, which is divisive and bordering on dirty politics. Powell stated that he was concerned about what he characterized as a recent turn of Republican candidate Senator John McCain, and “He thinks it goes too far.” It appears that the Republican Party has turned more to the right and is focused on our differences.

The Republican Party has had limited discussions on the issues and instead is focused on showing Obama’s inappropriate alliances, friends and contacts. Diversity is no longer a badge of honor that all Americans promote, but instead a narrow view of Americans who are not conservative. If a person believes that the war is a failed strategy, than they are considered Un-American.
Many of the Americans who are lifetime Democrats or Republicans will hold the party line, and vote for their party even though they don’t agree with their party’s operational strategy. But in this election, there are millions of young voters who have never voted before, and millions of undecided voters. These voters have no allegiance to a party and will vote based on their heart, and their confidence in the candidate.

Colin Powell’s endorsement is significant because it addresses a broader and larger demographic, “the undecided vote” and the “new voter.” Many political experts acknowledge that the undecided voter group combined with the new registered voter will determine the election.
Colin Powell has stated that there is a need for a generational shift and Barak Obama is a transformational figure who offers a fresh approach during a turbulent period in the world and our country. Powell’s decision to break with the Republican ranks has galvanized the conservative members of the Democratic Party. It is now politically correct to vote for Obama, because a respected patriotic American military hero has acknowledged that he has made a major break with the Republican Party.
Colin Powell was a Secretary of State, a General, and a Chief of Staff is forcing the entire country to take another look at the Obama/Biden ticket. For Powell to publicly endorse Obama, it is a major blow to the McCain campaign with only two weeks left to go in the election. This is a bold and courageous move for someone who has been a Republican all his life.
Powell’s decision stems from his genuine admiration for Obama’s depth of knowledge, intellectual curiosity and consistency with his message. Powell states,”Obama has met the standard of being a successful president, being an exceptional president.” It is obvious that this decision was made after a thorough analysis and examination of both candidates’ platform and presidential judgment.
During the campaign Powell has met with both candidates and McCain is his friend and he respects McCain’s accomplishments. But according to Powell, McCain has appeared unsteady and there are radical shifts in his message. Powell believes that McCain’s narrow worldview is not what the American people want or is looking for.
Powell has offered praise for Obama, calling him an “exciting person on the political stage.” The next president will be expected to resurrect America’s image and respect on a global scale. Powell believes that Obama has the tenacity and excitement to energize our citizens and people around the world.
As Americans move closer to elect the next president of our great country, study the candidates’ position. This election will be extremely close and voting is your voice and responsibility.      

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