Friday, May 17, 2024
75.6 F



Ruggedness always appealed to me!

Guess that’s why I am attracted to magnificent mountains, impenetrable boulders, robust rocks, towering cliffs, and steely stones.

Enjoy ascending the steep terrain and rocky slopes in order to feel nature’s rhythmic sounds bellowing across the crevices of the granite masses. Once perched at the apex of the summit, luxuriate in its isolation.

As I slowly surrender my navigational compass to my eyesight, does not take long for my eyes to descend upon the majestic beauty, peaceful serenity, and panoramic views of the cluster of hills, peaks, and plateaus.


Then, like old friends, the powdery cumulus clouds set the tone by inviting me to unwind, relax, pray, reflect, strategize, and think. Amusingly, as on cue, those clouds flirt across the tips of the “mountain tops” and provide me with a kaleidoscope of spectacular colors rivaling any 4th of July fire works.


Regardless of the girth and height of these rough rocks, ragged ridges, and mammoth mountains, all of my senses embark upon the wondrous and distinctive symmetry of each massive formation and their awe-inspiring shapes.

Years ago, it was on one of those “mountain tops,” when I had an epiphany and the message became unmistakably clear.

Similarly to Jesus, Moses, Elijah, the Rev. Martin Luther King, and the Native Americans, individually and collectively, each person can attest that once you appear on the “mountain top,” be prepared to receive a “majestic glory.”

Personally, that was the moment of my transfiguration, my awakening, my spiritual connection, and my love affair with my soul’s mate.

Yep. You guessed it. It is with God!

Figuratively and literally, in this journey called life, I have been struggling and climbing innumerable mountains often “simultaneously and at the same time.”

(Quote courtesy of my Senior Pastor, Dr. H.T. Rhim).

Frequently, at the conclusion of each climb, I descend those mountains defeated and depleted.


Lately, shared with my soul’s mate (God) that “time is of the essence” and I am in an urgent need for Him to commandeer this ship and set sail towards the successful completion of my bucket list.

Strangely, did not hear a reply.

Then, in a dictatorial parental tone, asked God to explain to me why He had placed a couple of my “must do right now” items on pause?

Laugh out loud!

When He failed to answer again, like a spoiled brat, sought the wise counsel from my friend. Surely, my BFF would co-sign and endorse my wants, my wishes, and my sentiments from his long-time buddy?


Further, surely my entrusted cheerleader and supportive advocate would categorically agree with my “strategic plan?”



With charismatic prowess and linguistic eloquence in tow, summarily plead my case to, I thought, my very understanding and accommodating “friend.”

Shucks—-should have stayed on that damn “mountain top!”

(Laugh out loud)

Apparently, God had other ideas and moved in haste by forewarning Wesley of my “plan of action.”


Predictably, Wesley was “true to form” and acerbically rejected and tyrannically vetoed every syllable that dribbled from my mouth.



Fire-breathing dragon!


Knowing that you can not keep a “good woman down,” I went up the “chain of command!”

Got ‘cha, Wesley!

Realizing that Wesley did not have the final say as it pertain to my affairs, returned to the “mountain top” and sought extensive consultative services from my Heavenly Father!

Without hesitation, God swiftly answered my “why can’t I have it right now” inquiries—-and “it” was not in my favor.


So, with much humility, returned to my “best friend forever” to earnestly thank him for his “tough love” message and reasoning that he had so passionately, unapologetically, and unequivocally rendered and, more importantly, for maintaining his “spirit-led convictions.”

Consequently, this is what I know for sure…

Years ago, upon emerging from one of those “mountain top” climbs in Montana, asked God to widen my family tree by exposing me to surrogates who would fiercely love and protect me. Never dreamed that an effervescing and gregarious colleague, who by the way, is a “force of freaking nature” would eventually become and serve as my unabashedly “kick-butt” family-friend for nearly 25 years.


Therefore, on the cusp of observing another year of an endearing friendship, want to wholeheartedly thank God for planting Wesley into my life. Although he feels draconian at times, (laugh out loud) God has revealed to me that Wesley only has my best interest at heart.

Subsequently, those “mountains” have taught me that Wesley’s “rejection” is merely God’s protection!

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