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9-year-old boy brings unloaded handgun, magazine to school


Webpage Banner RegularA 9-year-old boy could be charged with bringing an unloaded gun, a magazine, a knife and sledge hammer to a school on Thursday, Orange County deputies say.

Nicholas Leonard Daniels, a student at Endeavor Elementary School on 13501 Balcombe Road in Orlando, arrived with the items, displaying them to three other students.

According to deputies, Daniels carried in his backpack, an unloaded handgun, a magazine with six bullets, a kitchen steak knife and a small handled sledge hammer.

One of the boys who saw the items, immediately notified school personnel, who then notified the school resource officer.

School personnel, in the presence of the SRO, searched the backpack and discovered the items.

The School Resource Officer took possession of the items, deputies said.

It is not known how the boy came to have the items in his possession.

The boy could be charged with possession of a firearm on school grounds, possession of a concealed firearm and possession of a firearm by a minor, deputies said.





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