Tuesday, March 18, 2025
66.8 F

Without a Scratch!

Crash at Hiawassee Road and Colonial Drive, May 3rd, 2013. (Photo: L. Scurvin/WONO)
Crash at Hiawassee Road and Colonial Drive, May 3rd, 2013. (Photo: L. Scurvin/WONO)

A citizen journalist sent us these photos of a two-car collision which occurred on Friday morning on Hiawassee Road and Colonial Drive around 3:00 a.m.  Believe it or not, but all occupants of the vehicles escaped without even a scratch, for which one should be grateful.   But, here’s the ‘shocking’ account from our citizen journalist:

“After asking permission to take these photographs from the EMS workers and the State Trooper, I commented on how blessed all involved in this crash were to escape it without even a mere scratch. When I approached those who were so blessed to still be alive and mentioned how good God was to make sure they survived this terrible event, they screwed up their faces in an arrogant manner as though I were talking gibberish!

I know one thing, I would be jumping for joy and thanking God for preserving me and allowing me to see His presence in such a close call!

Crash photo - L. Scurvin/WONO
Crash photo – L. Scurvin/WONO

I guess some of us will never really see how fragile life can really be without that divine protection that only He can provide! Good night everyone! PLEASE DON’T TEXT and/or DRINK AND DRIVE! Our lives are just TOO precious a gift! PLEASE SHARE! http://www.LanceScurv.com

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