Wednesday, March 19, 2025
50.2 F

With Growing Democrat Support, Trump Could Win It All

Nearly 20 percent of likely Democratic voters say they’d cross sides and vote for Trump, while a small number, or 14 percent, of Republicans claim they’d vote for Clinton. When those groups were further broken down, a far higher percentage of the crossover Democrats contend they are “100 percent sure” of switching than the Republicans.

So if Donald Trump proved the political universe wrong and won the Republican presidential nomination, he would be creamed by Hillary Clinton, correct?

A new survey of likely voters might at least raise momentary dyspepsia for Democrats since it suggests why it wouldn’t be a cakewalk.

Trump Could Win It All


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  1. Really.
    This game show host could win the election……..
    Trump scares me less than the TV land populace that support him.
    Dumbing down of America has arrived
    The culture of honey boo boo and duck dynasty rule


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