Monday, March 17, 2025
70.1 F

Whitney Houston: Time for the Truth

Can we finally talk about it now? Has enough time passed so we can in earnest address the more substantive issues? I would suggest that we’ve had more than enough time to forward Whitney Houston’s obituary to every friend we had, post every imaginable link to our “favorite” moments of her funeral. We surely had heard every conceivable argument as to why or why we shouldn’t blame Bobby presently or previous to this moment regarding Whitney Houston’s demise.

Whitney Houston


Are we ready to start telling the truth now?


And don’t get Mo’Kelly started on Pastor Zachery Tims and the mother who is blocking the release of his toxicology report after her “former” addict son was found dead in a New York hotel room with a “powdery substance” on his person.

We enable the drug habits (both illicit and prescription) and when he/she/they die we are “shocked” and seek to blame the enablers while not recognizing them when we pass the mirror. We then want to make sure not to speak ill of the recently departed, whitewashing the truth of both their life and death. If that weren’t enough, we also try to browbeat and verbally annihilate those who aren’t down with the revisionist history program.


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