The holiday season has arrived and that means the Sheriff’s office is getting ready to keep Orange County safe. Today, Sheriff Jerry Demings was joined by a slew of deputies, Chief Rooney of the Orlando Police Department, and other security personnel to kick off the 4th annual “Operation Safe Holidays.” Even Santa Claus made an appearance.
“If you’re a predator or someone thinking about committing crime,” said Sheriff Demings, “we’re going to put your butts in jail.”
The Sheriff’s department warned that with the holiday cheer comes increased holiday crime. The holidays make time for family and friends but it also brings out the criminal element. Typical increases in robberies, home burglaries, auto theft, and personal assaults happen during the holidays. However, since launching “Operation Safe Holidays,” Sheriff Demings said robberies and auto thefts have decreased every single year. He also mentioned that there is tremendous support from the private sector and Orange County residents.
“Crime drops every year when we come together and work together to reduce opportunity for criminals to be effective,” said Demings. “We will be out in force.”
Chief Rooney added that “civilians and customers are also our eyes and ears” in preventing these crimes. “It works. We guarantee the best response times.”
The Sheriff’s office is also launching this operation through social networks, including posting safety messages through their Facebook, Twitter and YouTube feeds.
Part of the operation will include making every possible resource available to thwart would-be criminals and to keep the community safe. The police forces will deploy cops on mountain bikes, segways, foot patrol, and add skywatches in shopping center parking lots. They will also move the mobile command center around the county in different locations.
“Be smart, be safe, and be aware,” Demings added. “And if you see something, say something.”
They also had literature available for shoppers and remind them to be aware that electronics are a top target item for theft, not to leave purchases unattended in vehicles even for a short period, and that the trunk of a vehicle is not a safe place to store valuables. People were asked to be mindful of their surroundings and if anyone feels unsafe at any time, or sees something suspicious, to contact local law enforcement agencies and dial 911.