Thursday, March 6, 2025
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Weak Steele

It seems like the the long time idea by some that “any Negro will do” has backfired on the National Republican Party!

GOP Chairman Michael Steele

In the wake of Barack Obama’s Presidential Election victory many conservative groups started to push more dark-skinned people to the forefront of their organizations, I think, to divide and conquer America’s Black voting block.

Non-Black people felt that Black voters were so politically stupid that they would support any political cause if a person of color appeared to be the head and focus of a political group.

Well, the African-American Chair of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, is now catching hell from GOP party members after a variety of miscues and activities that has brought shame, ridicule and late night talk show jokes about Republican finances and other stuff.

Recently, Steele’s RNC was criticized for paying bills made at a sexual bondage themed club in California. Steele’s leadership was also questioned in relationship to poor Republican fund raising for use in the upcoming 2010 elections.

If you don’t know the ins and outs of politics, it is easy to just jump on the news media bandwagon and blame Steele for everything. Yes, Steele deserves blame and lots of it, but not total blame for everything.

Let me explain. Both major political parties often see declines in fundraising these days because of political 527s, groups that raise money and spend it in campaigns without the restrictions and regulations that bind national party committees, like transparent donor reporting and expenditure reporting.

In the case of the GOP, the Karl Roves, Glen Becks and  other conservatives oftentimes tell their followers to donate to their 527s, instead of giving to the National Republican Committee.

Also, be real, the “Tea Party” people don’t like Michael Steele, never liked Michael Steele and never will. Even if Steele one day became President, they would hate him just as much as some racists, sorry, I mean conservatives, hate Obama.

I don’t care if the GOP keeps or gets rid of Michael Steele. When Steele had a chance to broaden the base of the GOP by getting more Black people involved in leadership or economically by giving more Black businesses and professionals more Republican contracts, Steele chose to do what he’s always done, give all of his love and all of his political campaign money to the devilish political beast!  He did the same thing when he was a candidate himself in Maryland.

As far as paying a nearly $2000 tab at a sex club in Hollywood, the brother could have had more fun spending a thousand dollars in Atlanta making it rain at Magic City!

God bless him. Michael Steele is no friend of mine!

By Lucius Gantt

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