A leading cyber-security expert and former adviser to Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) says he has fresh evidence regarding election fraud on Diebold electronic voting machines during the 2002 Georgia gubernatorial and senatorial elections.
Stephen Spoonamore is the founder and until recently the CEO of Cybrinth LLC, an information technology policy and security firm that serves Fortune 100 companies. At a little noticed press conference in Columbus, Ohio Thursday, he discussed his investigation of a computer patch that was applied to Diebold Election Systems voting machines in Georgia right before that state’s November 2002 election. read more here: continued
Unfortunately, the story about the tampering is correct (I broke that story in February 2003) but nothing “new” is reported in this story and the facts are wrong. The premise is that since Spoonamore didn’t find clockfix files in the patch, and it was supposed to fix a clock problem, that this is new evidence of tampering. Unfortunately, after reading the description of what Spoonamore DID find, it’s clear that he didn’t examine the clockfix patch, he examined a different patch for a different machine. The patches themselves, the full document trail, can be found here: http://www.bbvdocs.org/history/georgia-patches.pdf
I’m not sure why this story is being pushed out right now. It basically muddies the waters to make a very significant story into one that is factually just plain wrong. Maybe that was the purpose of this story.