Thursday, March 27, 2025
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Volunteers, Donors Needed for Food Party Event to Help Impoverished Families in Orange County

Banishment of hunger in Orange County is the aim of an ambitious new initiative by Deliver the Difference, the Central Florida non-profit that has raised its sights in an effort to make all the region hunger-free. A major step in the new campaign will be an exciting “Food Party” event on Saturday, June 10th to produce tens of thousands of packed meals for distribution to needy children and families in Orange County.

Volunteers are needed to help pack meals at the Food Party during two shifts, which will take place on June 10th from 9:00-11:00 a.m. and noon–2:00 p.m. at Glad Tidings Church, 8550 Clarcona Ocoee Road, Orlando. Volunteers can register at beginning May 19th.

“We are very excited about our partnership with a major supplier of highly nutritious meal ingredients, which is helping to make this new initiative possible,” said DTD executive director Bob Bostic. “Our objective is nothing short of eliminating the need for any child or adult to be hungry in this region. We hope that individuals, groups, and businesses who are concerned about the impoverished and hungry in our community will partner with us as a packing line sponsor or sign up to help with packing meals. This is a great party with a cause!”

Business, community, and individual sponsorships are also needed to help fund the event, which will produce meals to be distributed in Orange County through the Southeastern Food Bank.

Potential packing line sponsors are encouraged to call Deliver the Difference, 352-343-6700.

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