Thursday, March 6, 2025
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Underutilized Labor and Politics Don’t Mix

Career management statistics are no longer fair game to manipulate the informed; we are supported by knowledge and experience.  Far from fair, the fight between promises and action is widening.

Danny Huffman

Dealing without geographic boundaries or cultural restraints, the politician’s agenda to subside (un)employment truth by constructing a smoke screen has become a literal battlefield.  In a time of failed promises, our government is taking a stab to make face and convince the world of fairy-tale endings.  After all, having President Obama interrupt the Super Bowl pregame show was an obvious tactic to connect with the people who he must feel counts the most, football fans!

I’m tired of the political rhetoric, and believe we are NOT going to take it any more.

During the pregame interruption (okay, I watched just long enough to realize what was really going on), I was informed how the United States labor force is on the upswing.  Naturally blame was shifted to a previous administration as the current mess is never the fault of those in power.  About this time I pictured the world united as one, holding hands, and singing Kum Bay Ya. Are you feeling warm and groovy too?

Enough of President Obama’s pillow talk and let’s get to reality.  According to the Bureau of labor Statistics, Labor Underutilization (some readers are not certain as to what the term means so let’s take a moment).  The concept is defined as the percentage of those who are unemployed plus all marginally attached workers, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all marginally attached workers to the civilian adult population.  Are you with me so far?  Thought I saw a few hands rise with the latest question so let me put it this way:

Breaking it down just a bit more we come to how labor underutilization is determined:
* persons unemployed 15 weeks or longer
* job losers and persons who completed temporary jobs
* total unemployed, as a percent of the civilian labor force (this is the definition used for the official unemployment rate)
* discouraged workers
* all other marginally attached workers

Leading us to ask about the validity of truth and reality.  Naturally the next question would be self centered: where does labor underutilization rate in the State of Florida.  Ready for the truth? Are you sitting?

Labor underutilization for annum 2009 for Florida was 18.4%… are you still feeling warm and fuzzy or searching for a chirpy song to chant?  Perhaps next time one of our politicians or the President soothes the airwaves with another self-justifying high praise, we will practice the art of doubt!

There is good news, in a way.  We could be in even a more challenging moment if we lived in California or Michigan where the rate is over 21%.  Then again, we could be living high on the hog if we lived in single digit states such as South Dakota, North Dakota, and Nebraska.  Problem there is who really wants to live there?

Next time you listen to how the state’s unemployment rate is recovering and the world is sunny once again; think about the speaker’s purpose. Obviously politicians have an agenda to become re-elected.  Unfortunately for the many on the receiving end of his or her smirky slants, words are often preached without regard to reality or consequential resolution.  It’s time for a little less talk, and a lot more walk.

I encourage each reader to become more educated and come to understand the reality of employment and the manner in which words are used to sell a product that is just not sellable.

On a personal note, I remain shocked at how the media creates their own reality surrounding the economy and employment while I remain even more shocked at how so many of us swallow without question.  I say no more swallowing and next time politicians blast the airways with rhetoric and ignorance, change the channel.

Danny Huffman, MA,CEIP, CPRW, CPCC, author, educator, and co-owner of Career Services International/Education Career Services.  He may be reached at [email protected] or visit his Career Blog at

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  1. Yes, change the channel! You rock, Danny! Thank you for shooting straight from the hip on the heinous 18.4% rate of labor utilization in our state! I’m a radical liberal, however I am disappointed in Obama’s negligence in actualizing his quixotic promises and ideologies. Thank you for speaking the truth so shamelessly in your articles. We adore you, Huffman!

  2. Mr. Huffman,

    I’ve enjoyed reading your articles and look forward to reading more. My problem is, what is the “Huffman Report” about? Are you about politics, economy, careers, employment, or what? In a way not being limited makes it more interesting. I am a Democrat and don’t agree with the way you spoke about President Obama. Is it fair to pick on our President after he got so much bad from Bush? How about giving him more time to do his job before you go around lashing out at him? I just don’t think its fair.

  3. Sarah,

    It’s always good to hear from our readers and learn from everyones experience. You mention the topic of fair regarding President Obama and my portrayal of his works (or lack of) and consequences his lack of action has placed on us ALL. Begging to differ in your opinion, I do not believe my report was an exercise of lashing out. if I had, I would have mentioned the way President Obama manipulates the media to serve his one-sided agenda and how so many of his promises during his campaign were ignored or how he totally disrespected the general population by acting as if we are too shallow to know better. Come to think of it, I did not bring up the real dirt on the way he was bought by the power elite–if I had, then perhaps the lashing out claim would have validity.
    As always, I encourage comments and look forward to your next move.


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