The Gantt Report

The Gantt Report sends condolences to the family of children and school staff members killed in the recent murders at a Connecticut elementary school.
When news accounts reported what happened in Connecticut Black people in America knew the murderers were not African-American.
Why? Because devilish white men fit the murderous profile!
I know you don’t like for me to write like this but it is true.
White men killed students at Columbine, a white man killed students at Virginia Tech and a white man opened fire on children as young as five years old in Connecticut. Do you remember the bombings of federal buildings and abortion clinics? Do you remember who shot up a movie theater during a Batman movie?
According to law enforcement officials in Connecticut, the gunman in the Connecticut shooting blasted his way into the elementary school and then sprayed the children with bullets, first from a distance and then at close range, hitting some of them as many as 11 times, as he fired a semiautomatic rifle loaded with ammunition designed for maximum damage.
It’s easy to profile innocent Black youth like Trayvon Martin. It’s easy to profile Black kids wearing a hoodie or saggy pants but it is hard to profile a white man.
It’s easy to profile a woman who wears sexy or revealing clothes or to profile a Hispanic person when you suspect them of being an illegal alien but it is hard to profile a white man who will show up at an elementary school, college or other institution of learning wearing body armor and a bullet proof vest with a bag full of weapons and ammunition.
Haters say The Gantt Report talks about violence when The Gantt Report merely tells the truth. Other haters say so-called gangster rap music uses violent lyrics to sell records and CDs.
But no one but The Gantt Report is calling for white men to be profiled that show up on campuses wearing combat fatigues and carrying duffel bags filled with guns and bullets!
White men run the media so there will be no 60 minutes or Dateline shows about what type of Americans will murder innocent children. There will be no outcry from the National Rifle Association for improved gun control or stiffer penalties for people who use guns to murder innocent children.
There are a lot of violent people in America of all races and creeds but the type of violent school mass murders in America has been orchestrated, for the most part, by one type of person, the white man!
Before slavery, there was a little tribal warfare in Africa where warriors from one tribe fought and killed warriors from other tribes but overall Africans were pretty peaceful. Most Africans were harmonious and loved to come together and sing and dance.
But during slavery, the African slaves were taught violence. They were whipped, beaten, hung, castrated and killed by their white overseers and white slave masters. American violence was somewhat new to Africans. They were taught how to hurt and kill for no good reason at all.
I pray that no Black man learns the wrong lesson from what happened at a small school in Connecticut.
The profile for a school mass murderer is a white man. Profiling is bad and oftentimes wrong but if you can profile non-whites you can profile white people.
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(Unedited/Unabridged 2012)
The “White Boy Party/GOP,” or the “Good Ol’ White Boys” in general must take a full measure of the responsibility for repairing the immense damage done to America and society in general!!! That may seem an unfair charge made of a particular group of human beings. But there is certainly an overwhelming body of facts that leads society to draw such a conclusion.
With the evil notion that there is a group of humans with an innately superior Intellect and a manifest destroy to lead all other humans White Males have been provided intentionally, though propaganda and is stated as a Natural Rule, “In the species of human beings the white male has a superior mantel ability and a clandestine destine to rule all other humans-Black citizens are given the place as being the lowest intellect on this IQ scale!” Armed with this disarming notion the White Male has used Greed, unbridled raw power of war-for-profit and human collateral damage, combined with criminal activity, and exploitation which brings 1. society in to general of slow pace of process ny not using the total brain power of all citizens and 2. inhibiting the white male himself from working toward attaining the greatest level of intellect and knowledge about the natural world! In fact the present condition of American and the worlds survival has been corralled by leaders to meet the narrow benefit of this proclaimed few! How many time have you seen the success of a monumental project being measured by the number human fatalities incurred while building it!
With this ill conceived destiny the accepted process of corralling and capitalizating all world resources, both human and material. This has produced a world of runaway climate, growth, extreme desperate distribution of wealth and planet destruction for profit alone.
There are about seven billion people on earth today. This is ample human brainpower that resides in the many individual citizens and could have over come all problems of the world that has brought for the misery seen today.
But as of the present if there is no “profit” in an activity no matter how badly needed for the human good, essentially nothing will be done without a titanic confrontation with those citizens holding most times, undeserved power!
Until this discussion is had and the lies about the condition of the human intellect is finally provided the status human progress is slow, dubious and suspect!
Think how much easier and quickly societies problems would be solved if a million or so people/minds would be working on a single problem at one time!! This is not possible at this time because most all problems are now designated by the white male elite and to very few-selected people-and only if profits can be made!
Dr. J. Alva Scruggs, BS, MS, MA, EdD
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