“The Black Stiletto” begins a series of tales about a woman who becomes a vigilante crime fighter much the same way as Batman did. Like Spiderman she is perceived by police and others in law enforcement to be the same as any criminal, even though she is taking on mobsters and other thugs, while the general public loves her. Told in diary form the story takes place 50 years ago and in the present. The writings by the Black Stiletto take place in the 1950’s. Her son, who is in the present day, is given her diaries and learns of his mother’s secret life, while a gangster from the past tells his story in the present. He reveals that he is looking to settle a score with her because she killed his brother. “The Black Stiletto” is page turning suspense with well defined characters and good vigilante escapism.
The Black Stiletto
Raymond Benson
Oceanview Publishing
Longboat Key, Florida
9781608090631, $15.00 www.amazon.com