Thursday, January 9, 2025
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Tea Time Is Over

In the American 2010 election cycle, the political flavor of the day appears to be “The Tea Party”! Be careful, however, because one swallow of Tea Party philosophy just might be damaging to your political health.

So-called Tea Party advocates claim to be upset with everybody currently in office from President Barack Obama all the way down to local government council members and commissioners.

The tea baggers may be Democrats or Republican or registered voters with no party affiliations, but one thing they all have in common is their conservatism.

While most Americans desire political, social and economic progress, the Tea Party appears to want to go back, back to the days when people of European descent controlled everything in America and in many parts of the world.

Those days are over!

At one time in world history, it was said that The British Empire, for instance, was so big that the sun would never set on it. Now, in 2010, the sun can hardly shine on the fallen empire.

This neo-conservative American Tea Party movement is not as politically powerful as the media suggests that they are. They are just more vocal and perhaps more active than the masses of American voters.

There are not enough Tea Party members to elect anyone. So called Tea Party candidates are benefiting from voter apathy. Voters are so upset that their support for candidates that called for change has not resulted in change.

People still can’t find good jobs, people still can’t get bank loans and people still can’t pay their mortgages.

I don’t have any problem with throwing the bums out if “the bums” are politicians that don’t stand up and speak out on the issues that affect citizens that the politicians represent, but the Tea Part approach is not the way to do it.

One of the disturbing aspects of the Tea Party movement is their apparent fear of Black progress in America and worldwide. Predominately white but not all-white, the racist Tea Party signs and slogans are not typical and may be a result of “Politics Gone Wild”! And, just like “Girls Gone Wild”, the Tea Party movement has no social redeeming qualities and no permanent political standing.

Tea baggers yell “stop spending” but they can’t tell you what government programs they would cut. They say “no more taxes” but they won’t tell you how to finance billion-dollar wars in Afghanistan or Iraq, without increased taxes.

Tea Party or not, every registered voter should exercise their right and go to the polls on Election Day and vote for the candidate that is best for you.

The great African leader Samora Machel often said, “You can’t get tea without boiling the water” and The Gantt Report says if America’s voters get hot and go to the polls and support the good politicians and vote the bad guys out of office, the Tea Party will evaporate and cease to exist!

All Americans, regardless of what tea baggers say, are in the same boat, all we have is each other and we all have the same political problems and the same political enemies.

On Election Day don’t worry about the Tea Party, worry about yourself, worry about your family and worry about your community. Go to the polls and cast your ballots for candidates that you can access, candidates that you can communicate with and candidates that share your desire for personal, family and community progress.

If you vote, the conservative Tea Party Movement will drown in the political sea just as Pharoah’s tea baggers drowned in the Biblical Red Sea.

Election Day is no time for tea. Tea time is over!

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