What a hand of cards we’ve been dealt here in Florida!
Florida residents have spoken. Crist, Gelber, Grayson, Kosmas, gone. Rubio, Bondi, Webster, Adams win. Tea Party Kool-aid has prevailed as the beverage of choice and Central Florida swallowed hard.
Here, in the Sunshine State, there were no cries of “taking our government back”; the Republicans already had the government. With the nations 2nd highest unemployment rate and a collapsed economy, Florida’s residents decided they wanted more of the same. More vision-less leadership by the cronies of cronies, the sterile, the calloused, and the mean spirited.
So, just who are these amongst us that prefer rhetoric to solutions, corporate tax breaks to better schools? Who are these residents that love the way Tallahassee functions? They are you and me. The poorly paid, the uninsured and the unemployed.
We live in a state where the Republicans have run it into the ground and where vision is ridiculed as liberal and closed mindedness is touted as liberty.
Sadly, we will end 2010 worse than it began. There will be no change. The familiar grip of insiders looking out for their friends will continue and our beautiful state will languish even more.