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Taking Five with Mishon

Mishon is a talented 17-year old R&B artist and television actor who is currently working on his third album, called “The Yearbook”. This Los Angeles native was discovered at a young age, and was professional singing and performing by the age of nine. Subsequently, he released two albums by the time he reached his junior high school years.


The West Orlando News Online was able to take a few moments to chat with this talented young R&B artist by getting a more personal look at his humble beginnings in the music industry, his current projects, and his aspirations as a singer, songwriter, producer, and most importantly, as an artist.

In your official bio, you had mentioned that you had been singing for as long as you can remember. Do you know what age you started singing?

I started singing maybe around the age of 3 years old.

Do you remember what artists you liked listening to? Do you know what artists and albums influenced your singing style?

When I was growing up, I really idolized N’Sync and the Backstreet Boys, I really liked those artists when I was little…then I was 5 or 6 when I first heard my first Michael Jackson CD, and that completely changed my life.

Which Michael Jackson CD?

It was “Thriller”.

Any other artists besides Michael Jackson who influenced your singing style?

Usher was also a big influence on me at a young age as far as an artist, his vocals, talent and dancing.

Do you feel that you’ve implemented Usher’s style in regards to singing and performing?

Yes, definitely, I’ve added some of Usher’s style into my own style.

You had mentioned that you were a shy child when you were little. It’s kind of interesting how you’ve transcended from the “shy child” to the artist and actor that you are today. Did anyone in your family know that you could sing even though you were shy?

The thing is that everyone in my family knew that I could sing, but they would always ask me to sing at birthday parties, weddings, or family events, and I would always be such a shy kid and I would back away and cry and wouldn’t want to sing for anybody. My breaking out point was [at] my great-grandfather’s funeral, and they were getting ready to close the casket, and somebody had stepped forward and asked “Does anybody have any last words, anything they have to say?” I had prepared this song, “Lean On Me”, but I had told everybody “No, I’m not going to sing.” So when she said that, I stepped forward, and I think that was my “breaking out of my shell” point. From then on out, I’ve grown out of my shyness from singing in front of crowds, and I guess you could say that was the beginning.

Can you share other childhood memories that you can look back on today that helped shape your future in music?

When I was young around 2nd grade in the school choir…I had my first solo in the second grade, we had our first ceremony…so I sang my part and after I was done, people were crying. And that’s when I realized that I had the ability to do something with my voice. From then on, I’ve boosted in confidence and just kept developing myself.

Who inspired you to pursue a career in music, both personal and professional?

I would definitely say my parents pushed me the most [by] giving me advice and encouragement and inspiration, and just being behind me…the whole way. My manager has been there from the beginning…definitely those three people have been there from the beginning.

So you’ve been working on an album called “The Yearbook”, is that correct?

Yeah…we’re still working on it.

But you do have a couple singles that have been out?

Last year I had a video out called “Just A Kiss”. The video was selected as “Number 2” on BET’s “106 & Park”, and I have a single out with Roscoe Dash called “Turn It Up”.

So you co-wrote the single “Turn It Up”. Have you been songwriting for quite some time now? How long as it been since you wrote your first song?

It’s been two or three years. I co-wrote and co-produced a lot of the songs on my mix tape. My mix tape is actually going to be released [on] August 1st…the mix tape is called “The Homecoming”…I’m just getting my feet wet…and I’m just going to keep working at it.

What makes “The Yearbook” unique in comparison to other R&B albums that are currently being released at this point in time?

Well, the album is me. It’s Mishon. It’s pretty much who I am. I’m a new generation, [and] I’m ready to take R&B to a whole other level. My single right now is called “Turn It Up”, and that’s where I’m at with my career right now, I’m ready to “turn it up”.

So you’re definitely want to give the music that you produce and sing have a positive vibe to it, then?

Oh yeah, definitely. A lot of the music I produce and sing [are what] a lot of people can relate to. [When it comes to music], I think the best way to do it is to draw an emotion, and if you can draw that emotion out of somebody, then you’re doing your job.

What usually inspires you when you write your songs?

Ninety-five percent of the time, I’m inspired by a melody. All day long, music is just going through my head. I might start with a melody, and whatever emotion comes from that melody, I can usually think of a topic, and that’s how it usually works for me.

As a songwriter, do you eventually want to write songs for other artists?

I definitely eventually want to write songs and work with other artists, writers, and producers. Just to name a few, I would love to work with Ryan Leslie…Keri Hilson, The Dream…I’m definitely looking forward to working with some influential people who have made their stamp in the music game.

You send a message to your fans that “education is the key to success”and you’re a big advocate when it comes to education in order to establish a career. Do you see yourself pursuing a college degree after completing your high school education?

At some point in time, yes, I do. I don’t know for sure if I’ll be pursuing it immediately, but I will definitely pursue a college degree.

What career choice would you pursue if you were not involved in music?

I love all kinds of science. Anywhere besides chemistry, because that’s far too complicated [for me]. I will not be making rocket fuel, but I’ll be building the rockets. (laughs)

Do you have a particular interest within the science field?

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always loved astronomy and discovering the universe. That’s always been a huge fascination for me.

What’s coming next for you in your career?

Right now, I’m planning on acting a lot more in the future, and I’m definitely focused on my music. “The Yearbook” will be coming very soon, we don’t have a date [yet], but I definitely want to keep people updated. You can hit me on [Twitter at], [and on Facebook at]…I’m actually having a mix tape release party on August 1st in Las Vegas…and I’m looking forward to the future of my music career.

by Karen Maquilan

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