Friday, January 10, 2025
40.3 F



A temporary respite from a grueling business trip was quickly interrupted when I read an asinine article from the Annie’s Mailbox advice column.

In essence, the reader sought Annie’s advice on how she should handle her mother’s nasty behavior and bigoted attitude that is being displayed towards her best friend’s daughter. Her impending wedding, which should be a joyous occasion, is now on the verge of imploding.


Her mother is creating an unimaginable hullaballoo with ugly demands. She is strongly objecting to inviting the prospective bride’s best friend’s little girl to the wedding. Further, she is incensed that the little girl is also serving as the flower girl. Bottom-line, the furious mother wants the invitation to be rescinded, pronto!


The mother verbalized to her daughter that the four-year old girl was “tainted.”


According to the mother, the child is TAINTED because she is bi-racial.


People like that should be cursed with short life spans!

Shared this article with my 13-year old daughter who is an expert in race relations. She is bi-racial and can give you a first-hand account on how it feels to be treated as if one is “tainted” as her “white” grandparents and other “white” relatives refuse to acknowledge her existence.

Mantha’s moisten eyes and tears said it all!

Imagine, Mantha’s God-loving and Christian grandparents permanently banishing their sweet, beautiful, and innocent grandchild from their lives simply because, from their point of view, she is a “freak” of nature. Damn, can’t imagine what the neighborhood association might think or do once they learn that these grandparents have a “spook” in their lineage!

“I’m too old to cry, but it hurts too much to laugh.”

Maybe that explains why George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin. What was the nature of the probable cause? Blacks, who are peacefully walking with a hoodie on, while sipping an ice tea, and holding a pack of skittles are dangerously “tainted” and should be assassinated, alienated, and obliterated upon sight with a North Korean nuclear bomb even without justifiable provocation. Don’t worry—-no questions asked!

Maybe that explains why throughout my career instead of experiencing “breakthroughs” I endured “breakdowns” because majority of my white supervisors viewed me as a “tainted” menace instead of a polished professional, an intellectual degenerate instead of an intellectual equal, and a reviled road kill instead of an accomplished achiever.

Maybe that explains why President Barack Hussein Obama is emasculated on a daily basis by the members of Congress, and worst, treated like an undocumented demoniac by his fringed citizenry. Hell, Hitler garners much more respect, awe, salutatories, and allegiance than “tainted” President Obama.

Maybe that explains why when blacks walk into a store “eyes” immediately greet us suspiciously. Finally, my “tainted” daughter understands why I demand that she gets a bag and a receipt upon each purchase. That’s because the minute that “tainted” blacks step into a store, mall, or any retail establishment, we are instantly profiled as a potential criminal and suspect.

I watched in angst as many people observed April Fool’s (April 1) while there was hardly a mention of the significance of Reconciliation Day which occurred on April 2. The iconic Ann Landers declared that on this day we should relax our animosities and the venomous attitudes that exist between us. She suggested instead that we should reconnect with our enemies to re-establish love, kindness, and respect.

I would like to add to Mrs. Landers’ declaration that each of us also need to work on the nonsensical stereotypes that are relentlessly being forced-fed to our children and, consequently, passed from one generation to the next. Perhaps this will diffuse some of the hatred and distrust that we have for one another.

Finally, a personal message to my sanctimonious saints, religious zealots, scripture-quoting hypocrites, and Bible thumpers: what the hell do you plan to do when you get to heaven and learn that Jesus is “tainted,” too?

Pass the toilet paper!





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