Saturday, May 4, 2024
86.7 F

See what happens when you lay down with dogs Jessie?

From Our Friends at FIELD NEGRO

And now comes word that the FAKE NEWS people may have even more on Jessie. Yep, seems they didn’t expose all of Jessie’s open mic audition for the world to see and hear. They say that they have more. And if they do, please believe that they will be playing it for all it’s worth.
But this is what happens to those of us who seek publicity at all cost, we end up seeking it from the wrong people. FOX knows this, they know that there is nothing some of us vainglorious black folks love more that getting some shine on national television. Hey, we can say what we want about the FAKE NEWS people, but they do have their viewers. (They might have the combined IQ of Shaq’s shoe size, but that’s beside the point)

If you all are like me you are dying to hear what else Jessie said. I am sure it couldn’t be too damaging to the “O” man, because if it was, I guarantee you that you would have heard it by now. Jessie should do a preemptive strike and just come clean and tell us all what else he said. But sadly for him, I don’t think he is too sure himself just what the hell was or wasn’t caught on tape.
To top it off, Jessie had his little slip of the tongue while taping for “FOX & FRIENDS of all programs. FOX & FRIENDS? Come on Jessie, you are better than that. Or, maybe not. Maybe this Obama presidency is bringing out the worst in all of us. Not only the ignorant bigoted folks of red state A-merry-ca, but the ego maniacal black folks who only care about their own self-importance and pushing their own personal agendas. Just reading the blogs and the comments alone is enough to make your head spin. From the “O” man isn’t one of us (I read that on this blog), to he is a secret “Manchurian Candidate”planted by Al Qaeda, to he is gay and he has a secret lover stashed away somewhere, to…well, you get the picture.

Look, I have some issues with the “O” man, but it has to do with his politics, and his constant triangulation, not with who he is or who he might be. All the other shit is just distractions. And as A-merry-cans we have gotten used to distractions. We love them. We need them to keep our minds off all the terrible things that is happening to our republic right under our very eyes. It’s why we love our entertainment, our sports, and our 24/7 celebrity culture so much. So why should our politics be any different? Jessie, our latest drama king, fits the bill perfectly. A-merry-cans (especially white A-merry-cans) love to talk about and fixate on him. He is a lightening rod for all ages. No one gets white folks as animated and upset on the issue of race more than Jessie. (Well, except maybe Al. the other part of Rev. Inc) Which is why FOX loves to have him on whenever they can. Gotta throw that red meat to the base, and give them something to chew on. Did you see that Jessie? Man what a racist. Boy is he ever a race hustler. He is always playing the victim and blaming it on us white folks….. The funny thing is that black folks have totally moved on from Jessie. He is not even relevant to most of us anymore. But the folks at places like FOX and some of the other main stream media outlets, can’t get enough of Jessie, Rev. Al (lately Dr. Eric Dyson too), and all the other black race spokespeople. They have to have someone to speak for us black folks. (Where is the NRB when you need it?) And it can’t be just anybody, no, we need someone that white folks will pay attention to. How is that for irony?

So now they have their wish. The older half of Rev. Inc. has been all over the 24 hour news cycle, and they are eating this shit up. Honestly, at first, like most other pundits, I thought this would help the “O” man. After all, Jessie putting him down could only cause most white folks to say: hey, he can’t be that bad Jessie doesn’t like him. But now, I am not sure. All this race talk can’t be good for the “O” man. Not when he wants to portray himself as a race neutral leader (whatever the hell that means). Not when he wants white A-merry-cans to look at him and not see color.
But sorry “O” man. As long as there is FOX NEWS, and folks like Jessie to go behind their cameras, A-merry-cans will always see your black ass first.

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