Friday, January 10, 2025
66.6 F

Scrupleless Rubio

Marco Rubio is bad for Florida.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida)

Anyone who believes that Marco Rubio is a friend of the average Floridian, think again.

Rubio, the junior senator for the right, was just dispatched to upstate New York to encourage residents in Western New York to support the candidate that agrees with Paul Ryan Medicare cuts.

Imagine that, a Florida Senator dispatched to another state to encourage voters to vote against their own interests. Amazing.

The right would have us think he’s a darling at home.

Even more amazing is the stupid Florida voter who voted for a man that has every intention of making you suffer and feel the pain. Who are these voters who would side against their own interests so boldly?

Rubio is a one-termer who has promised to work against the needs of average Floridians. He’s pro-foreclosure and anti-consumer, he’s pro-drilling off Florida Coastlines and pro-Big Oil.

And who knows what is his latest position on corporate income tax dodgers like GE?  Recently, he said he is concerned about corporate tax cheats, but this man has been known to flip flop on issues, depending on the occasion.

Last week, Rubio helped defeat a bill that would have brought an end to tax subsidies for the five biggest oil companies.  Imagine that.  He voted against a bill that would have kept $21 billion dollars of American taxpayers’ money out of the super-rich pockets of oil companies.

Rubio is for reforming Medicare and Social Security, but not until his mother gets her benefits.

This is a man who lies repeatedly, falsely claiming earlier this month in his debut on “Meet the Press” that the Ryan plan doesn’t cut Medicare and it is Obamacare that ends Medicare.

And Rubio is supposed to be representing a state full of vulnerable and older Americans!

This man is a glib liar, and he should be called out.

Oh, and he is often referred to as a future Vice-President. God help us all.

If you loved the political pornography of the Scott Walker Show in Wisconsin, the Marco Rubio exhibitionism, ought to really appeal to the voyeur in you.

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  1. OMG!!! Are you kidding? You consider yourselves worthy news reporters bringing forth unbiased News to the p.j ublic. Oh please! Is this stuff even edited? I mean really-growing up on the east coast outside of NYC, i was expected to just accept the news for gospel (along with my mom thinking and still thinking at 74 yrs -anything goes) and then as I matured as a person, raised two children, taught right from wrong – that the mainstream media isn’t selling honesty; isn’t “getting at the truth” of the story and i find it simply disgusting. Thank you for allowing me to submit my optinion.


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