Thursday, January 16, 2025
60.5 F

Scott Randolph Rumors Escalate

Rep. Scott Randolph

News and rumors continue to swirl around Orlando about the future of Scott Randolph. As we reported earlier, it is rumored that Randolph will not seek re-election this year and is actively seeking a Democrat to run in his place. But now there are reports of a shake-up inside the Grayson for Congress campaign and reports that Randolph is now the Campaign Manager for Citizens for a Greater Orlando “Question 1” to bring paid sick days to Orlando.

Randolph has been seen working regularly out of the “Progressive Center” offices on Colonial, home of Organize Now who is running the paid sick days initiative, as well as home to his wife’s organization, Florida Watch Action.  This would become an apparent conflict with his managerial duties on the Grayson campaign, especially with Randolph also serving as Chair of the local party and planning his run for state party chair. That puts a lot on the plate of a current state representative and new father, ahead of a very busy election year.

All of this action while many within the local Democratic Party remain upset with Randolph’s tenure. He continues to ignore local Democratic candidates and has not been open to Latino Democrats’ concerns. Now he has recently appointed his wife Susannah to the executive board which could make things worse.

The next Orange County Democratic Party meeting is Monday, May 21st at 7.00 pm at the IBEW 606 union hall located at 820 Virginia Drive in Orlando.

Stay tuned…

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  1. This is pathetic. Doesn’t this news source have anything better to do than print rumors and hearsay? Clearly, whoever is “reporting” this is biased and getting their information from certain pockets of the community who should be worrying about their OWN political futures… Since Scott took over as DEC chair, the party’s bank account went from $26 to now 5 figures and counting, the board is more open and transparent than its ever been and has gained members from the Hispanic, LGBT, youth and other communities, and the party has a clear path to victory for 2012. If you’re going to sling mud like this, at least have the journalistic integrity to print your name in the article. Rule #1 in journalism, “anonymous” sources are faulty, easily discredited, and shoddy work.

  2. I don’t understand the news angle here.

    If it’s about who’s running the grayson campaign, shouldn’t someone contact them for a comment?

    If it’s about the earned sick time campaign with organize now, shouldn’t someone contact Organize Now? Better yet, shouldn’t there be a story about the campaign itself?

    If it’s about the state of the Democratic party, shouldn’t there be some commentary about local, state and national politics and questions about what the Dem. plan to win is?

    I don’t think it’s really “news” to muse on about a new father’s ability to be a legislator and hold down a second job.

    We should be expecting news from our news outlets.
    Let TMZ handle this type of “reporting”.


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