Sunday, January 5, 2025
70.7 F

Scott Hands NRA Double-Barrelled Victory

Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday signed into law a pair of measures preventing local governments from enacting gun ordinances tougher than state law (HB 45) and prohibiting physicians in some cases from asking their patients if they own guns (HB 155).

Physicians’ groups earlier on Thursday promised to file suit if Scott signed HB 155 into law.

The group of pediatricians and family physicians say the law intrudes on the doctor-patient relationship by limiting in some cases what practitioners can ask their patients about guns in the home.

The local pre-emption bill (HB 45) was the least contentious of three NRA-backed measures pushed by the influential groups during the recently concluded session.

A third proposal, which would have allowed concealed weapons permit holders to openly carry their firearms in plain view, did not survive.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) applauded Scott’s signing of the bills into law.

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