Friday, December 27, 2024
62.9 F

“Programming Simplicity!”

thankfulDon’t mean to create a dustup, but…

Black Friday “purported” sales, merchandising fiddlesticks, and numbskull botheration turns me the hell off. Resent buying gifts to impress people I don’t like with money I don’t have!

Stonyhearted as this might sound; in these fickle economic days, you are “off your freaking rocker” indulging in senseless, needless, and trivial shopping sprees and mindless spending flings.

Why bother? Can’t take a damn thing with you, duh!

As for me, in lieu of all the money in the world, would much rather have infinite surpluses of five precious things—–my sense of smell, taste, feeling, seeing, and hearing.

And, coupled with the honor, privilege, and longevity of being able to continuously love and spoil the heck out of my babe, I would consider myself abundantly blessed, fabulously rich, and well-set for life!


Perhaps ‘tis the season, or ‘tis my mood, or ‘tis the realization that as another Thanksgiving ushers into another Christmas and as another Christmas ushers into another new year, Father Time irritatingly reminds me that I have fewer and fewer sunrises left before me to enjoy.

Red Alert: Andrea, it behooves you to use these valuable years exceedingly well.

“Got you covered,” voice of reason.

So, as I grapple with knowing that I am two years shy from reaching another ancient decade, decided to program those “sunset years” to reflect and resonate slow, simple, and satisfied.

Don’t let this grey hair fool you; I am still vocally fiery and energetically feisty as the legendary and iconic Angela Davis. And, boastfully, I still possess the strength of an ox, and if provoked, unhesitatingly will “knock the crap out of you!”

(Laugh out loud)

It’s just that at this stage and age, I am reprogramming my sensibilities towards practicality.

And, it feels so gooooooood!

(Laugh out loud)

Therefore, I have debunked the proverbial “rat race.” Also, I disavow inheriting or partaking in other folks’ ridiculousness and pursuing the elusive rainbow which was more about ego than achievement!


These days, one will find me “smelling” the roses more often than not. Whether from my own garden, from the store’s flower counter, or at a florist, I am consumed with taking an inordinate amount of time inhaling the natural perfumes and fragrances from God’s vast flower garden.

Why not——it’s free!

Frequently, scour newspapers, magazines, and books for scrumptious recipes. Then, like a mad, mad scientist, sequester into my kitchen and won’t resurface until I have tweaked, crafted, and fine-tuned sensational culinary delicacies that I think would fancy my sweetheart’s indiscriminating “taste” buds and palate.

Wait with bated breath until the twinkles in his eyes announces, “Job well-done!”

Regularly, create an amorphous sanctuary where one “feels” perpetually awash in tranquility, peace, adulation, and harmony.

Then, steal away across this country to “see” its breath-taking wonders and serene beauty.

Wow. Renews my spirituality each and every time!

Finally, counteract and neutralize defeatism by repeating positive affirmations and reading Scriptures. As you know, “Faith comes by hearing!”


Nearing the end of another Thanksgiving holiday, as well as, another nonsensical “shop ’til you drop” season, it is my sincere hope and prayer that the real meaning of “thankfulness” surfaces and trumps the superficiality of dollars, cents, and trinkets in favor for what truly matters in life…


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